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Elisa was looking out over the city. Two days had passed since the incident at Xanatos headquarters. She was waiting on the roof of the precinct for her new friends to arrive. Matt, Captain Abbott, and detective Rollins had all agreed to keep things quiet—for now. Besides the fact that Xanatos had them all in a bind, they needed time to wrap their heads around what they'd seen. Elisa had told them what she knew, but that had hardly been helpful.

For her part, Elisa had been pondering what she should do with this new facet of her life. At this point, she had concluded that there was not much she could do to really get used to the whole thing. Instead, she fell back on what she always did when she found herself at an impasse—her instincts, and her instincts were telling her that these Gargoyles had something to offer.

She took her arms off the edge of the wall and stood upright. She could see Goliath and the clan approaching. With a whoosh, she found herself surrounded by mystical creatures.

"Evenin', Lass," the Elder said.

"Hi, Hudson," Elisa said with a smile.

"Hudson?" The red one said.

The Elder smiled. "You know humans and their names."

"Hey," Elisa said, "if I'm going to be seeing more of you, I want something to call you besides 'hey you'."

"And you intend to see more of us?" Goliath asked, matter of factly.

"The way I see it, we've got a common cause," Elisa said. "Xanatos is a menace to us all. And now that he knows that I know about you, he'll have his eye on me. And what's worse, he actually has something on me. I don't know how, but I want to get out from under him and something tells me that you all can help."

Goliath said nothing, but his face showed that he understood, and agreed.

"I want a name," the small, green Gargoyle said.

"How about 'tiny'," the red one said.

The green one made a face at his brother.

"You should all have names," Elisa said. She smiled, with a face that looked inspired. The warmth of her grin put all the Gargoyles at ease.

Elisa put her hands on her hips, then used her right to point at the brothers, one after another.

"Lexington," she said to the green one.

"Brooklyn," she said to the red one.

"Broadway," she said to the big one.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Wait, you forgot one!" Lexington suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh right," Elisa replied with a snap of your finger. "The dog."

"He's not a dog," Goliath said.

"Well, whatever he is, he'll be called," she put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment. "Bronx," she said.

Hudson suddenly laughed, a hearty laugh. "Humans and their names," he said.

Goliath looked sternly.

"These are new times," he said. "The world has changed and so must we." He looked at Elisa and then at the brothers. His face softened. "They are fine names," he said.

"So what are we going to do about Xanatos," Brooklyn asked.

They all looked at Elisa.

"For now, we wait," she said. "He's smart, and he's watching. We won't be able to just swoop in and take him down. Sooner or later he'll come calling on me for something, I suspect. That will give us a chance to start looking in on him again."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Brooklyn asked.

"What we always do, protect the castle," Hudson said.

"No," Goliath said. He walked to the edge of the roof and looked out.

"We will do more than that. We will protect this island, this—Manhattan." He turned and looked at Elisa. "As we have seen you do."

Elisa smiled. "Well, not quite like me. But I think the city feels safer already."

Hudson took a step towards Goliath.

"And what of Demona?" he asked.

Goliath's face darkened.

"She will show herself again. Until then, we wait."

"You really shouldn't stay with him," Elsia said.

Everyone looked at her. She felt a little uneasy.

"He can't be trusted," she said.

Hudson spoke first.

"Lassie, a Gargoyle can no more quit protecting the castle as..."

"...breathing the air," Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway finished in unison.

Goliath looked at them, sternly. Then he turned his gaze back over the city.

"The castle is all we have left," he said. "We will not abandon it."

Elisa could hear the finality in his voice.

"Well," she said. "At least we'll have eyes on Xanatos."

She walked next to Goliath and looked out over the city with him.

"Ya," she said. "The city feels safer already."

GARGOYLES: Re-AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now