Subterfuge: 3

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Demona and Goliath were gliding over New York City. For Goliath, it was like being in a dream, or a sorcerer's illusion. The lights. The people. The machines. It was overwhelming, but he remained stoic.

He was also uneasy about the mission he had agreed to go on. Although flying out to face an enemy before they could attack the castle was familiar, all of its context was murky to him. He was, essentially, acting and thinking as if it was still his time, while the world around him had completely changed. The thing that kept him moving forward was Demona. Even though he could see that she had changed too, he still felt the same way for her that he had when he last went to sleep. His feelings were, to him, only one day old.

He was watching her closely as she lead him towards their mission when she suddenly dropped downward at a sharp angle. "Follow!" she yelled. Goliath was taken by surprise but quickly pulled his wings in and dove after her. They were still above the thickest, busiest part of the city and there was no flying fortress in the air, so Goliath knew this was not their target. What was she doing?

As he followed, Demona steered toward a water tower, landing on it with a wooden thud. Quickly, she sprang forward and onto the rooftop. Goliath circled around and landed gracefully beside her, sparing himself the water tower. Before he could speak, Demona hopped over the wall of the building and landed softly on the fire escape. Mildly irritated at this game of pursuit, he settled in beside her and asked "What..."Demona put a finger to her lips and gave him a quiet 'shhh'.

"Observe," she said, pointing to the street corner below. Almost immediately, a young woman came into view. As she was about halfway between blocks, two young men grabbed her from behind and pushed her into the alley. Goliath's wings flinched and he rose with a start, but only halfway. Demona grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "Wait," she said. Goliath looked at her, but she kept her eyes fixed on the scene below. He lowered slowly back down and, with some reluctance, focused on the three.

One man had the woman against the wall. He held her flat against it by pressing both hands on her shoulders. The other brandished a knife, which he used to cut through the strap of her bag. Goliath could not hear what was said, but both men were talking to her. His muscles were taught, spraining to spring to her aid, but Demona tightened her grip. As he watched, one of the men pulled a shiny object from
his pocket. It looked like the weapons he had seen earlier that evening—like a one handed version of a crossbow, but with no string. A few more words were exchanged, then the man hit the woman across the face with the object and she fell to her knees. Both men ran around the corner and were out of sight. Goliath rocked back with a start, but Demona continued to hold him. He was incensed.

"What is the meaning of this?! Why do you wish me to sit idly and watch?! Why do we not go to her aid?!" He demanded.

"Because," Demona responded. "You need to see that nothing has changed. The humans have lived and bred for a thousand years, creating a world you can not yet fathom. Filled with wealth, with power, with sorcery the likes of which you have never seen and can not begin to imagine. And yet, in their hearts, they are still nothing more than murderous theives who value nothing above jewels. Their petty greed still defines them. And if we let it, it will still define us!" Demona's eyes glowed white hot with anger. Goliath was taken aback. He looked at her hard. She held steady, unmoved.

"And her?" he asked, motioning towards the woman, who was still on all fours with a hand to her head. "Are we to count her amongst the murderers and the theives?"

"A sheep amongst wolves," Demona replied, coldly. Goliath's face changed. His expression went from anger to concern—concern over what Demona was saying. She saw it, and softened ever so slightly. "She will be fine," she said. "She will head to the police—the sheriffs of this time. They will listen to her story. They will write her words. Then they will do nothing, because there will not be enough reward in it for them."

"Then we will do something!" Goliath said.

Demona only smiled, the same sad, knowing smile she had been giving him all evening. "You do not know what that even means. Not yet. But you will learn." She paused, and seemed very far away. Then, suddenly, her focus returned. "We have other business tonight Goliath. It will help you to understand what I am trying to make you see. Have faith in me."

With that she rose, lept off the fire escape and ascended up into the night sky. Goliath looked back down toward the woman, but she was gone. He reflected briefly, then took to the sky after Demona.

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