Chapter 44

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Yoongi POV

It's been 3 weeks since that lady broke out of jail and we're all still slightly paranoid by it.

Right now we're all at Jimin's place and start messing around on our phones for a bit.

Just then...


We all look up from our phones and focus our attention on the TV.

"Lady murders group of teenage girls for not giving out information about someone. This person just so happened to be the girl, "Y/n" who was involved in 'the incident' about 2 months ago... Currently we are not sure where the lady is but we are to tell you that we are on the case, and when we find her, send her back to prison immediately."

Namjoon:"same shit, different day. I'm honestly done with life"

Hoseok:"I know right"

I sigh, sadly.

Taehyung:"what to do with our lives..." He states, almost blankly.

I'm hoping that that lady won't find her way back to Y/n, and especially not with a knife. Then again, aren't we all hoping that?


Taehyung POV

2 weeks. Just 2 weeks until Y/n is allowed to leave that hospital.

Everything has been going alright in the past 2 weeks. Well, it's been okay other than the fact that there's a phsycotic, idiotic, creepy little bitch on the loose. Can't wait to kick her as back to hell, where she belongs. While we're at it, we might as well send her  'acompances' that she calls her 'friends' with her, where they all belong. All we can do for now is hope for the best. Hopefully they'll all eventually get caught and everything will turn back to normal and we  won't need to deal with those ugly ass rats ever again. Let's kick some ass.



Jungkook POV

There's only a week left now. I can't wait to see Y/n and hangout with her again like we used to. It's gonna be great. I'm sure those other assholes will get caught, they can't hide forever.

Right now I'm just hanging out with the hyungs, still at Jimin's place. We were in the middle of a conversation about those bitchy roaches when the TV interrupted us, just like last time.


"Lady's dead body found outside a restaurant. It seems to be the same murderer from a little while a ago, but... She's the one that's dead."

We all go extremely quiet.

"Turns out that she got killed by a gang whilst on the street. Now it seems that we won't be dealing with anymore dead people for a while."

Namjoon turns off the TV and we all share the same look of shock, but on the inside you could tell that we are all grateful that we won't have to deal with her anymore.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in the past few days, it's been a bit hectic recently and I was just trying to squeeze time in to post but anyways, I'm still gonna attempt to finish this story before the end of this year.

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