Chapter 20

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Jungkook 😄🎤😉


Jungkook: YES!

Me: Who doesn't know?

Jungkook: I'm the only one that does know

Me: Could you not have told me this when you found out?

Jungkook: I'm sorry Y/n, I told Hoseok that I wouldn't tell anyone and I thought you knew but I just couldn't keep it in any longer

Me: Ok, but next time something like this happens can you please just tell me?

Jungkook: Ok

Me: Ok, well me and Yoongi are going to be leaving soon so I guess I'll see you there

Jungkook: Yeah, see you there

I close Whatsapp feeling extremely surprised and wondering when I should tell Yoongi about this. Yoongi was still getting ready so I just sat at the kitchen table, drinking my water. A few minutes later Yoongi is finally ready. He's wearing casual clothes as usual.

Yoongi:"Sorry I took so long"

Y/n:"Don't worry, it's fine"

Yoongi:"Also... sorry that my hair is so messy I didn't really have time to fix-"

Yoongi got cut off by me.

Y/n:"it's ok Yoongi. Why are you apologizing about things like that? Plus, you look so cute with your messy hair"

Yoongi laughs.

Yoongi:"Thanks for being so understanding Y/n, I really appreciate it"

I smile back at him.

Y/n:"No problem!"

He takes my hand as we leave out the door. We chatted for a little while but I don't want to ruin the moment by telling him about what Jungkook had told me earlier today. I found out that his parents are spending a few weeks in Hong Kong and I let him know that my mom is in Tokyo for a business trip.

Yoongi:" You know what I find funny?"


Yoongi:"Jin is always telling me how you remind him of me sometimes"



Y/n:"That's funny"

Yoongi:"Try and see if you can imitate some of my facial expressions"

I decided to imitate your favourite facial expression of Yoongi. It was one from yesterday...


Jimin had to go and fetch the sushi yesterday and Jin suggested that Yoongi should go with him because he's Yoongi and his nickname is not Worldwide Handsome like Jin's nickname. And that's when he pulled made a hilarious facial expression...

 And that's when he pulled made a hilarious facial expression

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