Chapter 41

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"H-hey Y/n" Namjoon stutters.

Y/n slowly looks up at and her eyes go wide. She bursts into tears a second later.

Y/n: "you have no idea how happy I am to see you guys! I've honestly missed you so much." She says as she glances at each of our faces, one by one.

As soon as her gaze lands on Yoongi, he runs to the side of her bed and very gently, slightly wraps his arms around her. She flinches a bit as his arms come in contact with her skin that is still slightly hurting from her cuts.

Yoongi: "I'm missed you so fucking much Y/n, you have no idea" he says, his voice slightly cracking mid-sentence.

Y/n:"I really missed you too Yoongs" she says as she slightly lifts her hand, and strokes his cheek with her fingers.

Hoseok: "We've all missed you so much Y/n, especially Yoongi and Jin, they've both cried just thinking and worrying about you, hoping that you're okay. But honestly its felt lonely without you around. You really light up the atmosphere, you know?"

Jimin: "Yeah, I really hope you get better soon and we can all hang out as 8 again"

Y/n: "yeah, I miss that. I can't believe my shitty luck and now I have to stay here even longer than before" she states, clearly annoyed.

We continued talking for the rest of the day and eventually we went home.

Authors POV

Yoongi started cheering up a bit, happy to have seen Y/n that day. Weeks pass and they continue visiting Y/n on an almost daily basis. One day they decided to go out for lunch after visiting Y/n. They go to one that is far away from the one where 'the incident' happened.

Jimin POV

The waiter comes to our table and we order our stuff. We get our drinks, and then our food as usual. After finishing my drink I was about to continue eating, when I looked at the TV inside and I notice something.


We all turn our heads and look at the TV. The room went so quiet you could here a pin drop.

"Lady who faked identity on the loose! Its said that she escaped prison this morning"

I turn back to look at the others. Jin looks as if he was about to cry again, so I run over to him and give him a hug. Tae does the same to Yoongi when he notices how upset and frustrated he is.

Hoseok: "Well shit"

Yoongi: "This is actually fucking ridiculous. Everything was going fine for the past few weeks and now we're struck with this fucking shit"

Namjoon: "Calm down Yoongi, we'll make sure that nothing happens to Y/n"

Yoongi: "I know we will but I can't believe that this happened after everything we've had to go through. Absolutely, fucking ridiculous"

Tae tries to calm Yoongi down while I'm trying to comfort Jin. Its so hard for me to see my hyungs like this, I absolutely hate it when they're so upset.

After a while we decide to start heading back to Hoseok's place once again and binge watch movies until 01:00 and they were all asleep, well, so I thought...


Almost everyone was asleep by now. Me and Jimin were the only ones who were awake actually. I decide to get up and start heading for the door when I hear a faint voice whispering behind me.

Jimin: "hyung-"

I hear a sleeping Jungkook mumble to himself and shift into a different position.

I then hear someone else getting up and walking towards me rather quietly.

Jimin POV

Jimin: "Hyung, where are you going?" I whisper in a soft voice.

Jin: "don't worry Jiminie, I'm just gonna take a bit of a walk for a but, okay?" he responds.

Jimin: "Jin Hyung, can I talk to you outside quick?"

Jin: "Yeah, sure, also, you don't have to be so formal with me, Minnie, K?"

Jimin: "okay"

We walk outside and I close the door behind us.

Jimin: "what's going on Jin?"

Jin: "what do you mean?"

Jimin: "don't you 'what do you mean' me, Mr Kim. Jin, I'm so worried about you, you're getting so worked up about Y/n and everything and its making me a bit stressed out to be honest"

He let's out a sigh.

Jin: "Jimin, I have to tell you something"

Jimin: "please tell me, Hyung"

Jin: "but before I do, please promise me that you won't tell Yoongi"

I raise an eyebrow and let out a sigh.

Jimin: "fine"

Jin: "okay, I trust you Jiminie"

Jimin: "I know you do, now please just tell me"

Jin: "Well..."


Sorry abt the cliff hangerrrrr. But yeah, anyways, I might do a double update tomorrow if I have time.

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