Chapter 2

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Tossing the empty paper cup into an already overflowing trash can, Aubrey's feet planted themselves on the sidewalk. Her eyes trailed up the paint-chipped building before her. And at the sight of it, her shoulders fell in a sigh.

Each day she entered this paint-chipped building was one day less until graduation. Only finals were left now. After those, she would move on—hopefully not from school—but from this run-down tourist trap the world saw as America's capital.

Aubrey yawned and began walking again. After a security check at the entrance of Franklin Public High School, she made her way past teenagers with bags under their eyes and backs bending under the weight of their textbooks.

Taking her usual seat at the front left away from the door, she set her bag down gently. Aubrey pulled out her notebooks, each page filled entirely with notes written in her messy cursive handwriting. After that, she organized her pens and pencils so they each sat parallel to the side of the desk in perfectly straight lines.

"A bit OCD, are we?" A boy from behind her snickered.

"Shut up, Carter," Aubrey spoke without even turning around to meet his green eyes.

"Okay, seriously, how did you fill four three-subject notebooks in one class alone? Like how does that even fit in your backpack?"

"It's easy. I actually pay attention rather than kicking the seat in front of me," she spoke, still not turning to look at him.

Aubrey licked her finger and began to page through her notes. Her exam was in her next block but she had a few minutes to study for it before this class began.

Their teacher walked into the room moments later with a frog-like smile plastered on her face. Carter leaned back, putting his feet up on the back of Aubrey's chair.

"Could you not?" she muttered in a whisper.

"Hmm, possibly but if I'm not annoying you what else am I supposed to do all of class?"

Aubrey sighed loudly as she rolled her eyes. Sitting up straighter, she leaned over her notes in order to block out Carter's senseless comments. When the bell rang an hour later, she gathered her things and did her best to stuff them in her already overflowing bag.

"You... missing anything?" Carter snickered as he leaned against his desk. His green eyes glittered playfully but Aubrey pretended not to notice them.

Instead, she directed her attention back to her bag and stretched her hand out to him without looking. He had stolen a pencil. He did this nearly every class and every time it was the same. He seriously needs to get better excuses, she thought to herself.

While her eyes remained glued to her backpack as she rummaged around, he took her hand and kissed it, "Madam...?" Well, that's new.

"Ugh, Carter, just give me the darn pencil!"

"That's what she s-"

"Carter Quinn! That doesn't even work!" She was trying not to laugh now. "You're gonna make me late to my exam, you idiot!" she spoke through a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay, Rey, can I at least have the magic word...?"

"You're such an idiot." Aubrey tried to jump up to snatch the pencil out of his hand which he held over his head. She couldn't reach it, though. "Ugh!"

"Just say ittt..."

"You don't deserve this, but please?" She glared at him. He smirked back victoriously. To that, she stuck her tongue out at him.

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