Chapter Eleven

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Hiccup's P.O.V:

I blinked as the night fury flew off, suddenly disappearing after flying through a plasma blast.

I looked to Toothless, watching as he stared longingly at the place where the dragon disappeared.

"Toothless, you alright, bud?" I asked, coming up to him.

He grumbled in response, hanging his head.

Sighing, I rubbed behind his head, "Wanna go for a fly? What do you say, huh, bud?"

Toothless hung his head lower, and began wandering back through the forest. I sighed - yes, again.

"Maybe it's time," I muttered, rubbing my chin, "to work on a new tail....."


Dancer's P.O.V:

I flew happily over the island, humming to myself as my wings flapped at an unusually-slow pace. I felt like taking my time.

I flew high over the forest, my eyes focusing on the ground and giving me a surprisingly detailed view. Night fury eyes could see just as well from great heights at night just as well as a human could at day, I suspected, so my sharp eyes picked up many details while it was light out.

As I tilted my head, something popped into my blind spot. I focused on it, squinting. It didn't look natural, but, for some reason, it did....?

I flew closer to the treetops, cautious, and looked down at the thing. Too late, I realized what it was - a camouflaged bola launcher! I recognized it from a few nasty, short encounters with dragon hunters. And one that wasn't so short....

My wings stopped flapping for a moment, out of pure shock, and that hesitation cost me. A bola launched out at a higher speed than I had ever seen, and I dodged it by flying down- barely. It nicked my wing, and I faltered for a moment from the slight sting of pain.

Another bola launched at me, catching me off guard. It wrapped around my wings, and I fell from the sky.

I crashed, hearing the whoops of two excited voices. The last thoughts in my mind before I blacked out were 'And this day was going so well.... I guess I won't be seeing Apollo tomorrow.....'


Hiccup's P.O.V:

I sighed as I looked down at the completed design. It should work.

Standing up and stepping over the piles of crumpled paper, I made my way out the door, almost tripping several times. I was opening the door, about to go down to the forge, when I noticed how late it was.

I chuckled as I headed back inside, leaving the image of dark huts behind me with the clicking of the oak door's well-oiled hinges.

"You better stay inside tonight, Toothless," I said aloud, looking to the dragon in the corner. He perked his ear nubs up as I spoke, lifting his head a little, "I think it's going to snow soon, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

Toothless grumbled, as if to say, "I'm a mighty night fury, I don't get colds," but still layed his head down and closed his eyes once more.

I was sighing, about to walk up the stairs and go into my room, when, suddenly, the door was thrown open and two pairs of mischievously-glinting eyes jumped in.

"Hiccup! We caught it!" Ruffnut jumped, pumping her fist.

Tuffnut joined in, "You should've seen it! It went straight down, I can't wait to start training it to blow stuff up!"

"Wait, wait, wait," I said, waving my hands. "What did you shoot down? Why did you shoot anything down?"

"We shot down Toothless's albino sister!" they said in synch.

I gasped, "You did what?! Where did you put her?! Is she alright?!!"

"Calm down, Hiccup," Ruffnut soothed.

"We put her in the academy, she got knocked out when she hit the ground," Tuffnut expounded.

Toothless, who had been sitting up and watching from the floor, promptly bounded up to the door. (A/N: Whoops..... sorry, I didn't even see that rhyme until I was proofreading.)

"I know, bud, let's go," I said, dashing over to him. "We'll talk later, you two."

As soon as I had opened the door, Toothless was dashing out. He didn't even wait for me, and that proved just how much this dragon meant to him.

As I raced to the academy, a boom resounded. I sighed, thinking, 'Who let the twins have access to anything that could shoot down a night fury?!'


Dancer's P.O.V:

I woke up to an ache in my head. It only took me only a moment to realize that I was somewhere made by a viking, and I quickly tensed.

Jumping up and glancing around the small room-like thing I was trapped in, I promptly blasted at the door. As expected, it fell with a boom - viking metals couldn't hold up against the plasma of a night fury, after all.

My eyes searched the enclosure, noticing how there were a lot of chains netted over the top. I started panicking a little, but calmed myself down. It was imperative to think rationally in situations like these.

I charged up another blast, aiming up at the netting. The flimsy metal stood no chance against my powerful fury fire.

I spread my wings, and jumped up, aiming to fly out. To my dismay, I crashed right back down!

Whirling around, I looked at my tail. I was stunned, the tail fin! My left tail fin!! It.... it was.....!!

I gasped.

(A/N: Let me kill you with suspense for a moment.)

It was all chained up!!

A/N: Sorry, I really wanted you to think that Dancer was in really huge trouble.🤣🤣 I love giving cliffhangers, but I bet this was an extremely-relieving one. Did any of you think that she'd match Toothless? I hope that you did, that was the point.

I really need to work on this story more.... I don't even have another full chapter left in the drafts.... ;-;

Thanks for reading, I hope that you tune in next time and don't sue me for intentional affliction of emotional distress!!

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