Chapter 17

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Author's Note... Hey guys sorry, it has taken so long to update this. The updates for this book might take longer only because I don't want this to be too similar to a few other books that have a Slytherin Queen/King. I'm also hitting a roadblock with my other book. But hopeful this chapter makes up for the wait.



Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian



As soon we got back to the castle Adom and I made our way to the Slytherin dorms so we could check-in with the sand soldiers that I sent out to watch over certain people. As soon as we enter the common room we head straight to my room. Once we are in my room. I close my eyes and pull the sand minions to me.

"Yes your Grace." one of them said

"I would like the report on the two people I had you watching. So who wants to go first?" I asked

"I will. I was watching the redhead. He did nothing of importance. All he did was sleep and eat it was very boring."

"Thank you, and I do apologies for it being boring." I said

"I however was very busy watching my person. He was given something called an invisibility cloak. He used this cloak to break into the restriction section he was almost caught, while he was trying to get away he found a mirror. The Headmaster found him one night and said that the mirror showed not himself but his heart desire."

"Okay, I want you two to continue to watch, you do not have to worry about watching the redhead just the other one. Only appear to me if you have important information" I said

"Of course your grace." they both said

And with that, they blew away in the wind. Adom and I turned and left my dorm room.

"Do you think they have something planned?" Adom asked

"Yes, I do. It is not a coincidence that there is a three-headed dog on the third floor standing on a trap door, or the fact that the Mirror of Erised is in the castle, and if you add in the fact that Jr. got an invisibility cloak. Someone is planning something." I said

"Do not forget the Headmaster's warning about certain death on the third floor" Adom said

I went to say something more but I didn't get the chance as Theo and Marcus walked up to us.

"Why must the two of you talk in Ancient Egyptian it is not fair for the two of us." Theo said

"Whoever said we were fair?" I asked

They both looked at us.

"She has a point." Marcus said

"Sometimes we forget that we are doing it." I said

We continued to walk together till we got to the Great Hall, we entered and sat down in our normal spots. When dinner was done we all headed back to the common room. I sat down in my normal spot with Adom, Marcus, and Theo around me.

"So how was your holiday?" Theo asked

"Fine, I like being back with my parents and little brother." I said

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