I would like your input...

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Hello my lovely readers I would like to ask your opinions and thoughts about a few things that I need to figure out for this book.

First up is Neville Longbottom...

I would like him to join Amra and be her friend as I plan for Luna to join her in second year. But I don't know how I want to get him in there group but not sure I'm going to get him there. I would like for him to be in the group before the start of Goblet of Fire. So what do you guys think or want to happen, let me know in the comments or pm me.

Second the Weasley Twins...

So I think the twins would have done magnificent in Slytherin and they are like little demons. So much like the Neville issue I want them to join her, but not sure how to write it. I have a few ideas but would like to know your thoughts so comment or pm me.

Third a female Slytherin friend...

So I would like a female friend that is in Slytherin and I would rather have be someone that is already there instead of creating a new character. So there is Pansy Parkinson or Daphne Greengrass.  Let me know which one you guys like better.

Fourth The Potter's

This is a big one! I have so many ideas on how to write them finding out who Amara really is and I can't decide which to pick so I'm asking you guys what you think I should do. But I do want to us the Daily Prophet or maybe a newspaper they make to expose them.

Last Voldemort/Tom Riddle return...

I had posed this question earlier but this is the last time and the one I'm going off of. Should he return...

Second year in a way that doesn't kill Ginny

Fourth year like he did in canon
Should I think of something and have him come back sometime during third year. If I did this the events in Goblet of Fire would still happen but just as a cover.

I look forward to reading what you guys think.

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