Chapter 9

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Ancient Egyptian



It felt good to wake up in my own bed. I rolled over and opened my eyes and saw Imhotep. I screamed and fell out of bed.

"What the hell?" I asked

He just smirked. There was a knock on the door.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked

"I saw a spider," I said

"Okay, well get dressed then come down to breakfast," Dad said

"Okay," I said

I heard him walk away. I looked back at Imhotep.

"So not funny. What are you doing in my room?" I asked

"You cried out in the middle of the night," he said

"Sorry," I said

I left my room and headed into my bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and shook my head. I did my hair and left the bathroom. Imhotep was still sitting on my bed. I walked into my closet and found something simple to wear. I then headed back into the bathroom to change, when I walk out Imhotep was still on my bed. He got up and walked over to me. He grabbed onto a piece of my hair.

"You should wear it down," Imhotep said

He then reached behind me and pulled my hair out of the hair tie.

"Just for today," I said

I turned and left the room. As I walked down to breakfast I tried not to think about what had just happened in my bedroom. Once I sat down I started to make a mental checklist and at the top was teach Imhotep about personal space.

"Morning, everyone," I said

Mom looked up at me and knew I was thinking hard about something.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" she asked

"Just making a checklist of what we have to do today," I said

We were halfway through breakfast when Jonathan finally joined us.

"Mom I think Jonathan should come with us today," Alex said

Jonathan looked up at this.

"What? No, I think I should stay right here." Jonathan said

Mom and Dad looked at each other.

"I agree with Alex. Looks like you are coming with us to... where are we going?" Dad asked

"Diagon Alley," I said


We used the entrance behind the Leaky Cauldron to get into the Alley. I had to ask the bartender to do though since I didn't have a wand. On the way over here I had a talk with Jonathan, Alex, Mom, and Imhotep. You would think that I wouldn't have to talk to a 4,000year-old mummy and two grownups but I did. I needed to make sure Jonathan knew not to do anything stupid, not to touch anything, and do not steal. Then I had to make sure Imhotep acted like a man from this century and that he didn't speak in ancient Egyptian. What I told Alex was very much like what I told Jonathan, except I stressed on the not touching and not putting anything on. I told mom not to read from a book aloud. Once we entered the alley I noticed the only person that somewhat blended in was Imhotep, because he was the only one in a robe.

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