Chapter 1

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Before On Miscalculation

I nodded my head and everything faded back to black. I don't know how long I had been out, but when I came to it was to the sound of people talking and the sounds of guns. I followed the noises and saw two groups of people pointing guns at each other. I saw Evelyn and the two Americans from the plane. But they were in separate groups. I walked up so I was closer to them.

"Evelyn." I said

Both groups turn and point their guns at me. I take a few steps backward. Evelyn moved over to me.

"Amara? What are you doing here?" Evelyn asked

I didn't say anything I just started crying.

"Let's be nice, children, if we're going to play together, we must learn to share. Amara why don't we head back up to the surface, you can have some water and a snack." Evelyn said

I nodded my head and followed Evelyn up and out. We got to the top and Evelyn walked us over to their campsite.

"Eve who is this?" a British man asked

"Amara, she doesn't know her last name I met her two days ago at the museum," Evelyn said

"Two days? I've been out here for two days?" I asked

"Been out here?" an American asked

"I'm Jonathan and that is Ric." the British man said

"I don't want to talk about it yet. What are you guys out here doing?" I asked

With that Evelyn started in on what they were doing out here, and what Evelyn was hoping to find.

"Well then lets head back down there and find it before the others do," I said

"Yes, lets," Evelyn said

We headed back down. Ric and Jonathan are using sled-hammers against the ceiling.

"According to my calculations, we should be right under the statue. We'll come up right between his legs." Evelyn said

Evelyn laughs.

"Oh my," Evelyn said

"Who's legs?" I asked

"Anubis," Evelyn said

"And when those dirty Yanks go to sleep--- (to O'Connell) No offense," Jonathan said

"None taken," Ric said

"--- We'll sneak up and steal that book right out from under them," Jonathan said

"And you're sure you can find the secret compartment?" Ric asked

"Yes, if their Egyptologist hasn't already found it," Evelyn said

Jonathan looks around.

"I say, what's our smelly little friend got himself up to?" Jonathan asked

"Who?" I asked

"The prison warden from Cairo. Its a long story." Ric said

Ric and Johnathan go back to hitting the ceiling, and Ric starts to ask Evelyn about mummification.

"Lemme get this straight, they stuck a sharp, red hot poker up your nose, cut your brain into small pieces, then ripped it all out through your nostrils?" Ric asked

"That's really got to hurt. Should we really be talking about this in front of a child?" Jonathan asked

They all looked at me.

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