15. Good News , Bad News

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Gulf was nervously jiggling his leg up and down, the doctor could call him at any minute, and he was terrified of what they might say to him, he could either have kids, or he couldn't. There was no in between. Mew laid his palm on his knee, steadying him some.

"Relax, baby." Mew whispered, rubbing circles over his knee cap.

"Y-Yeah, sorry," gulf stuttered out, mew leaned over kissing him softly.

"It's alright, babe." Gulf calmed at his Alphas purr, and leaned into the small, brief kisses Mew was giving him.

Mew was caressing his finger nails into his scalp lightly, and gulf slumped against his chest.

"Mr. Kanawut?" A nurse called out, gulf shot to his feet, and felt mew tuck him under his arm.

"Hey, love it's going to be okay," Mew pressed his lips to his head, and walked him over to where the nurse was waiting. He knew that she was a Beta as they doesn't produce any scents.

"Right this way please," She ushered them forward.

Gulf was shivering underneath mew's arm, and trying hard not to trip over his feet.

"Right in here, but the doctor will see you in a moment." She smiled at the couple, and left the room.

Gulf hopped up on the waiting table, swinging his feet back and forth.

"You know winne is seeing someone?
" Gulf said randomly. Mew raised an eyebrow, impressed because Win didn't seem like the settle down type of guy.

"Really? Who's that?" Mew asked curiously.

Gulf shrugged, fumbling at his fingers."Dunno, he won't tell me, cause he doesn't want to..,"

"Well, he must really care about this person then," mew smiled, standing in between his legs.

"Yeah," gulf whispered out, locking his hands behind mew's head.

Mew braced himself on either side of gulf's legs, pushing his lips against gulf's. They kissed lazily, until they heard a knock at the door. Gulf squeezed Mew's hand, and mew called

"Come in,"

A tall, brown haired man came through the door, smiling at them.

"Hello, I'm the head doctor here, Dr. earth." He shook their hands both warmly, before sitting down on the chair across from Gulf.

"So, I'll get right to the point, and not keep you waiting any longer. We think  that a certain procedure might make you fertile again, but I've only done a couple other times,"

"What happened to those people?" Mew asked sharply.

"They were all very satisfied, and could have kids in little less than 2-3months , some took time like 7-9 months but it did take time." He warned them.

"How exactly would this work?" Gulf said nervously.

" You see normally Omega's have their heat in every 3 - 4 months and Omega's getting pregnant is high when their alpha knots them in their heat, as in your case mr. Kanawut that might not work, so there's a method in which we inject an omega with some medications so that they would get heat in every 1 month so that their alpha can knot them continuosly. In that way they would get pregnant but their is a risk as this heat of medication would be more intense than normal one and let me warn you It can be quite painful too.

"How'll that make me pregnant?" Gulf questioned. Still not understanding

"You see we are not sure if you are completely barren so there might be chances of you getting pregnant with this procedure, the medication we are going to give will be going to work with Alpha's semen when knoting, so that way you'll get pregnant" doctor cleared the doubt.

"I can either get pregnant, or I might not to ?" Gulf questioned

"I think so, after the procedure if you won't get pregnant in a year then you are completely barren" He nodded.

"Would that require him to do the procedure again and again if first one is successful?" Mew asked, feeling unsure. Because he didn't know how many kids gulf planned on having, and he didn't want him to go through same painful thing, every time he wanted a baby.

"No because, the medication and this procedure might cure him. If it doesn't then we have to follow procedure again maybe. But..." He hesitated.

"But?..what doctor?" Mew asked

"This kind of procedure can be only done once on a person, it might be dangerous, I'm telling this because one of the couple tried to do the procedure second time, her body couldn't take it well, she ended up being paralyzed " doctor completes his sentence

"The others couple you talked about. Has anyone got pregnant after procedure like 2nd time without requiring to do the procedure ? " Mew asked

" Yes, but only 2-3 got pregnant" he answered

Mew looked over at gulf, and the doctor seemed to understand that they would need a minute alone.

"I'll be back shortly," He a crossed the room, and walked out.

"What are you thinking, in that head of yours?" Mew asked softly.

"I wanna do it," gulf blurted out, but slapped a palm over his mouth at his outburst.

"If this is what you want, then I'll do whatever it takes darling,"
Mew smiled, pulling his hand away from his mouth.

"You- you mean Mew?" Gulf gasped.

"Yeah, all I want is you to be happy. And if I can make that happen with thus, then I'll do it," Mew smiled up at his beaming Omega.

"You're amazing mew, seriously, thank you so much" gulf kissed him deeply.

They drew back panting, and gulf twirled his fingers through his hair.

"Thank you so much mew," gulf looked into his eyes.

"I'd do anything for you darling,"
Mew replied.

Dr. Earth came in few minutes later, and was overjoyed to hear that gulf was going to go ahead with the procedure.

"We can have you come in next 5 or 6 weeks, as we don't have the medication right now. Is that alright with both of you?" He looked at mew because he was the Alpha.

"That's perfectly alright, Dr. Earth," Mew confirmed.

"I'll see you in a month maybe, Mr. Kanawut," The doctor showed them out, and they left.

Gulf heaved a sigh of relief, and Mew picked him up, spinning him around.

"Told you it'd be okay," Mew bopped his nose with Gulf's. Gulf laughed, and tangled his fingers with mew's.

"Let's go home,"

They got home,'to see zee and saint huddled on their front step. Saint looked like he was sobbing, onto Zee's chest. Hopping out of the car quickly, Mew rushed over to them, gulf right behind him.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Mew asked worriedly.

"N-not really," saint mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Mew looked at Zee, who looked as broken as saint.

"Saint was bleeding in the morning so we went to the hospital, they said saint had miscarriage and baby had no heartbeat," Zee said brokenly.

Mewgulf gasped, instantly wrapping their arms around them. The couple broke down, into their arms.

"Sh, bud we got you," Mew softly said, while stroking Zee's hair, letting his best friend cry helplessly, and hopelessly on his shoulder.

Gulf was doing the same thing with Saint. They didn't know how to comfort them, as they cried on their shoulders, so they simply just let them cry.


I  know I made this too sad 😭 I'm sorry 😞 I'll make it up to SaintZee couple in the next chap🥰

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