25. Ask me, again

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I'm so sorry guys 😞, suddenly My Copd and restrictive disease got worse these past few weeks were really hectic as my temp to over I felt really sick I'm sorry 😔

Now I'm feeling better so I will try to update daily...


Mew Settled gulf on the car seat, he climbed over quickly drove them to the hospital, as they reached he quickly put gulf into a wheelchair.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine, I promise you." Mew said softly, rubbing his hands on gulf's stomach.

Gulf simply laced his fingers together with Mew's, and held him close.

"Mr.kanawut?" The nurse called, looking around the room. mew  got up, wheeling gulf over to her. She flushed, recognising mew's face, and led them into the room without another word.

"Dr. Earth will see you both in a moment," She said softly and left.

The silence surrounding them, Mew wasn't going to say anything first, and gulf picked at his nails. It feels like  they were beginning their relationship all over again.

Only, mew thought could he even call it that? Gulf made it clear of what he actually thought of him. Mew knew he was a monster, but he needed someone to guide him away from that perspective, and show him he's much more than that. He thought it would be gulf, but look how that turned out.

Gulf startled him by reaching over and soothing his fingers across mew wrinkled forehead.

"Thinking too hard," gulf smiled painfully rubbing his belly

"Hm? Oh yeah," mew answered, wanting nothing more than grab him, and wrap him up in his arms.

"Mew, I'm incredibly sorry about what I said to you, it was horrible, and I didn't mean anything I said to you," gulf bowed his head shamefully eventhough he was in pain he still needed to apologise to Mew

"How do I know you aren't just saying this....How do I know if this is the truth or not?" It hurt mew to say this, but he didn't know anything anymore.

"I… deserve that, but I do love you, I really do, and I was freaked out when you asked me, because I-I didn't want to end up like my parents, they were divorced and absolutely hate each other though they loved each other before their marriage and mom died and assaulted me I didn't want us end up like them And I can't lose you, so I thought if I said no, then you wouldn't want to marry me," Tears were streaming down his cheeks, but gulf made no move to wipe them away.

"Baby," mew sighed, cupping his face and peering into gulf's eyes. Mew know what gulf had gone through his childhood

"Baby, we are nothing like them, one thing they are dead, and you know I'd never let anything happen to you, and second I love you, I wouldn't want to marry you if I didn't truly and honestly.

You were the first person, to break down my walls I had up for so long. You, gulf captured my heart, and I love you so much baby., I never loved anyone like you baby not even Finn" Mew kissed him gently, salty tears mixed in but neither of them cared.

"Ask me again," gulf whispered as another wave of pain strick him

Gulf Kanawut, will you do me the great honour of marrying me?" Mew asked.

"Yes, a thousand times yes," gulf broke out into a huge smile, and that's when Dr. Earth showed up.

"Hello, Mr Suppasit, and gulf how are you" He greeted them

"My belly hurts since morning"  gulf replied

"Just a moment I'll check, lie down pull up your shirt" Dr said while setting the machine

Dr snapped on the gloves and cover gulf's stomach in the cold gel started moving the wand.

"By the way gulf your friend Win is here I was with him earlier" Dr said to lighten the mood as gulf seems terrified

"Winne is here? Can I see him?" Gulf asked excitedly.

"After this is done darling," mew smiled, and pecked his forehead.

"Everything looks ok here, I think you just had to much stress, and worked yourself up into a state. The baby looks perfectly healthy." Dr said showing the screen

Gulf looked over and saw his baby no bigger than his fist but bigger than last time they saw, floating on the screen.

"Hi little one," He said breathlessly.

"Would you like a picture?" The doctor asked them.

"Yes please," gulf smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll be back shortly with it, hang tight okay?" He gently squeezed gulf's shoulder, and left the room.

"We're getting married!" Gulf said, his eyes shinning happily.

"I love you," mew nuzzled his nose with Gulf's

"Love you too mew"


Win was waiting for gulf outside he already messaged bright to pick him up from mew's house , they went home together, mew left to Zee's to bring his laptop and his phone

When gulf broke the news to Win, he bursted into tears.

"What's wrong? Do you not want me to get married?" Gulf asked bewildered.

"N-no! I-I'm just so p-proud of you darling! So happy for you...." Win sobbed, and gulf patted his back awkwardly.

"Ok Winne, um you're going to be my best man, and-" He couldn't continue because win promptly flung himself at gulf.

"Aah.Winne?!" Gulf gasped out

"I'm sorry, it's these hormones, but yeah I'll be your best man," win sniffed.

"Well, that's good. Now please control yourself." Gulf pushed him off, and Win wiped at his eyes, and grinned over at gulf.

"Bright thinks I'm cute," Win blushed.

"It's because your adorable winne," gulf nudged him Win simply blushed more and shrugged.

"Do you love him?" Gulf now asked.

"Yeah, I'm scared to get hurt again,still I believe him" Win crinkled his eyebrows together.

"He's not like that, I can tell." Gulf smiled and squeezing his knee gently.

"Y-yeah?" Win smiled at his best friend tentatively.

"I know so," gulf kissed his forehead.

The Omega's talked for awhile until mew came back with bright who meet him on the way

Win bid bye to gulf went back home with bright

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