24. Woe

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"What?" Gulf breathed out, not sure if he had heard him right

"Marry me," Mew said, as if stating the obvious.

"No,"gulf scrambled away from him.

Mew's face fell, "Y-you don't want to marry me? Why?" Mew said lowly.

"No, I-I'm still in school and no Mew, I won't marry you," gulf crossed his arms.

"Can't or won't?" Mew asked

"Mew, just because I'm having your baby, doesn't mean I want to marry you!" Gulf blurted out loudly

Gulf didn't know where these words were coming from, but he was panicking inside but right now he just wanted Mew to drop the topic

"A simple no would do! you're acting like I said the worst thing in the world!" Mew yelled losing his patience

"Might as well have been! I don't fucking want this! I can't Marry you not now not ever, I'm with you for money and protection" Gulf screamed

Mew reeled backwards, like gulf had physically punched him.

"Here I thought stupidly you'd be different, than everyone else, thanks gulf a fucking lot. You're just like Finn, who came in and abused my feelings, using me." Mew spat walking backwards

"Mew, I-" gulf started to say.

"Don't, just don't, I've heard it all before okay ? I-I'm gonna go to Zee, do whatever the hell you want anyway." Mew crossed the room opening the door. A sob escaped his lips and he wrenched it open, before running out and slamming it behind him.

Gulf collapsed into a chair, sobs racking his body. What the hell did he just do?


Zee was not expecting a sobbing Mew on his doorstep when he opened the door.

"M-mew, babe ? What's wrong?" Zee asked worrying.

"He's using me!" Mew sobbed, falling into Zee's arms.

"Whoa! Who's using you?" Zee asked, propping mew back up.

"Gulf, was just using me for pr-protection and money," Mew sobbed into Zee's neck.

"Bud, let's go inside first." Zee took him inside

Saint just got out of the shower, and was drying his hair, when Zee & Mew came in. Saint furrowed his eyebrows because mew was crying hard.

Mew has always naturally went to Zee for comfort when he's sad, Zee knows how to comfort him.

When Finn cheated on him, mew had run straight into Zee's arms for comfort. Saint has never seen his friend more broken than he was in those days.

"Mew, what exactly happened?" Zee asked softly

"I-I asked him to m-marry me, and he just started screaming at me, he said that he-he didn't want me, and he was just using me, and- and he's just like Finn..!" Mew cried, and saintzee's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Its okay cam down." Zee whispered rubbing his back.

"I love him, how can he do this to me?" Mew cried, falling into Zee's chest.

"Maybe he didn't mean it?" Zee questions, because there's no way in hell that gulf actually meant that. He saw the way those two interacted, and he saw the love gulf had for his Alpha. the love they had for each other.

"No, he seemed pretty damn sure when he was fucking yelling at me!" Mew snapped, instantly hugged Zee again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry," Mew said into his neck.

"Sh, babes just sleep ok? I'll be here when you wake up," zee soothed him, he hated seeing Mew so broken over this. It proves how vulnerable he was, Zee thought that for the first time someone had been able to break down the many walls, Mew secured around himself. He saw gulf loved him deeply. He had no clue why gulf said the things that he did, but he was going to find out.


Mew woke up feeling like a truck had ran over his heart.

"Zee," He called out, he saw saint hurried out of the kitchen.

"Zee is out, Do you need anything?" Saint murmured.

"Hurts..." Mew mumbled.

"What hurts?" Saint asked

Mew pointed at his chest, where his heart was.

"Aw,..." saint gathered him into his arms, and caressed his back gently.

"It gets better We promise," saint said softly.

"I just want him! Even though he- he doesn't want me! I'm a monster right, I don't care I want him badly" Mew shook.

"No, Mew. No you're not," saint instantly denied.

"W-why else would he hurt me?" Mew wiped his eyes.

"Maybe he's scared or pregnancy moods, sometimes I yell at zee without a reason too, he might have said some things that shouldn't have been said, but I know that pup loves you more than anything in this world. Trust me okay, just give him some time?" Saint stroked his hands through mew's hair.

"O-ok...," Mew whispered.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Saint asked, and Mew quickly nodded,  saint sat leaning on the headboard, mew instantly cuddled his head on Saint's lap hugging his waist

"Thank you," Mew mumbled,

"Now go to sleep okay?" Saint smiled fondly.


Mew thought of giving sometime to gulf, when SaintZee said that gulf might been scared and he just needs time, so he didn't go back to his house stayed at saintzee's

Days passed but there was no call from gulf he felt sad On fifth day he received a call from gulf

Mew instantly picked up.


"Mew please come home," gulf sobs.

"Why so you can use me again ?" Mew spoke harshly.

"N-no, there's something wrong with the baby! I-I'm serious!" Gulf groaned, as another wave of pain hit him.

"I'm coming, hold on baby," Mew panicked and rushed out the door, and into his own flat.

He ran through his house, trying to find gulf.

"Gulf? Baby where are you?" Mew yelled, panic building up in his chest.

"K-kitchen," gulf choked out.

Mew rushed in, and dropped to his knees at the sight of gulf. He was curled up in a ball, holding his belly tightly, whimpers coming from the back of his throat

"Baby, please say something," Mew pleaded when gulf didn't respond to him

"Hurts," Was all that gulf got out of his mouth, Mew gathered him into his arms, and carried him to his car.

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