Royal Rumble

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Kayla's P.O.V

Today is the day of the Royal Rumble and I'm so excited because I'm gonna have a match with Layla and if she loses she has to be my bitch for two weeks or get fired if she refuses and I'm so ready to kick ass.

In case your wondering I've gotten over Dean and he's gotten over me ... I think. I mean, after all those text messages he's finally over me and proabably dating Renee Young. But I still think of him and his beautiful hair, luscious lips, ocean blue eyes, and breath-taking smile. Ok so maybe I'm not that over him but I know I'll be fine without him if I just think about myself, my family, and my career.

Samantha and Dolph are now re-engaged and Sam is pregnant with her first child and dad isn't to up for being a grandpa but I'm really excited to be a aunt! It's kinda like having child of your own but it's for your sibling. I really wish Dean was still here he could be a uncle.

WOW!!! I'm really not over that dude. There just something man! He's glued in my brain!!! Bruh! I also heard Dean almost got his ass kicked by dad. ALMOST!!! That would've be funny doe!

I went to my locker room to get my gear on when I hear two familiar voices.

It was Dean and Roman and they right in front of the locker room so I just tryed to zip by them but Roman grabbed my arm an pulled me by him and Dean.

We just stood there in awkward silence with Dean muttering stuff a Roman. I think I heard Dean call Roman a " Son-of-a-Bitch " The finally Roman said, " Even though you hate Dean, Kayla you need to at least say something to him. " Hi " I told Dean coldly " Hey " he said scratching the back of his head sounding nervous, " Well guys I have to get in gear for my match and good luck on the Royal Rumble. I'm rooting for you Roman! " Haaaay what about me? " Dean asked sounding stupid, " Oh you'll be fine!" I told him with a smile on my face. Then Dean started fake crying so Roman rubbed him on the back and said, " How dearth you Kayla?! " I just went into the locker room laughing and got changed.

When my match came up I was on my way to the curtain when I saw the Boogeyman with a poster that said " Go Kayla! " so I hollered " Thank you Boogeyman! " Your welcome and if you lose I'm comin' to getcha! " Now I want my daddy! " I laughed which made Boogeyman laugh too.

I walked to the curtain and waited for my music to play when it did I walked out to the ring slapping a couple of hands on the way. When I got to the ring I stood on the second rope of the ring and yelled, "This is my ring and house!" I turned around and noticed Sam, Dad, and Dolph are at commentary so blew a kiss to them and they all blew one back.

When the bell rang I immediately started punching the hell out of Layla then I grabbed her by her hair and threw her into the turn buckle and slapped the hell out of her then I heard Summer Rae's theme song and she slid into the ring and started punching me while Layla was catching her breath.

I saw Sam try to get up put Dad told her to sit down and let me fight for myself.

Then I heard Dean's entrance song and he ran to where I was by the ring and stated giving me a little momentum. When I got up I beat the shit out of Summer then threw her out the ring then Layla turned me around and put me in some unusual hold.

I was so close to taping when the Boogeyman and Roman came out and started making the crowd scream my name.

Once the whole arena was screaming my name including JBL, Cole, and Booker. I was already out the hold and on the second rope getting ready for my signature move.

Then Layla was in the perfect position then I jumped off the second rope. When I jumped everything was in slow motion for a second then my foot hit Layla directly in the jaw and she was out like a light.I pinned her to the mat and then the ref counted to three and I heard the sweet sound of a * ding *

I got up and started jumping around like a three year old on Christmas day. The first person to hug me was of course  Sam. We all started hugging each other then I noticed all of a sudden my legs were around Dean's waist and my arms were around his neck and everyone was chanting, " Kiss, Kiss, Kiss "

I looked into Dean's eyes and felt myself moving closer to him and our lips touched and I felt sparks fly.

Then I felt my Dad pull me away from Dean and wipe my lips. All I could do was stare into Dean's eyes and mouth " I love you " I love you too " he mouthed back.


I'm not going to be writing this story anymore so I'm going to leave it at this. Sorry.

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