Growing the Family

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How Lashone managed to sneak a dragon into the house and past her mother would forever remain a mystery to both the mother and daughter. Furthermore, however she managed to keep it in the house for a little over an hour without it being noticed would baffle them both for years to come. It was baffling to them in the moment when Lashone's mother had stepped into her daughter's bedroom, expecting to find the girl lounging on her yellow bedspread reading, and instead finding her stroking a bandaged up, black scaled beast, curled up on the floor in a deep peaceful sleep.

Both women stared at each other for an incredulously long time both trying to process the individual predicaments they were in. Lashone was the first to break the charged silence.

"Soooooooo.....I can explain?" she started, testing the waters that were her mother's patience in that moment.

Her mother blinked in utter bewilderment at the sight before a few times before opening her mouth to speak. Unfortunately, no words rolled off her tongue in response. Instead, a sigh escaped her lips and she sat on the bed, slouched in expectancy.

Her daughter, on the other hand, was in quite a bit of shock, having not expected her mother to take so calmly to a dragon in her home. Though, when she thought about it, her mother didn't exactly seem as calm as she did defeated. Nevertheless, Lashone shook off her confusion and began to explain the situation to her mom, while stroking the back of the scaly sleeping baby.

Her mother listened, intrigue wriggling its way into her expression as the story dragged on. When it had finally concluded she began sorting through all the thoughts and questions the tale had uncovered in the depths of her mind.

"What on earth is a baby dragon doing in North America?" she asked in a voice, hushed and inquisitive

Lashone turned her gaze from her mother to the baby again. "Maybe it got lost?"

Lashone's mother watched as her daughter didn't cease to pat the creature; her hand never strayed too far from it. She silently stared at her daughter's soft expression and her mind flashed back to times when a much smaller, yet just as ambitious Lashone would come home with injured rabbits, abandoned birds' nests, and, at one point, even a snake she had thought was abandoned. Although her mother loved the natural world just as much as she, the mother could not stand the thought of a snake potentially getting lost in the clutter of their house. It was a horror movie jumpscare waiting to happen and she had no intention of letting it come to fruition.

Although the creature before her was just as scaly as that snake had been, she felt somewhere deep within her that keeping it--at least until it was healed--couldn't do too much harm. There wasn't much else to do except turn it back outside to fend for itself whilst injured, or turn it over to the city, the mere thought of which disgusted Lashone's mother to no end. With a quiet defeated, or perhaps resolved sigh, she stood up, the springs in her daughter's bed creaking a bit as she did so.

Lashone lifted her head to look at her mother, her two fluffy pigtails swishing from side to side with the movement.

"You can keep him"

Lashone's eyes sparkled with a sort of optimism unique to her, and only her, while her jaw simultaneously hung limp. "Wait, really?!" she exclaimed, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Until he's healed," her mom clarified with a degree of sternness she normally didn't exhibit. "And since you brought him in he is your responsibility and yours only. You'll be feeding him, nursing his injuries, cleaning up any of his messes and making sure he doesn't do lasting damage to the house. Understood?"

Lashone shook her head up and down with excessive vigor like an overly energetic bobble head, which was enough for her mother to crack a soft smile. She patted her daughter lightly on the head, quietly saying, "Good," before slipping out of the room. Though as she left her expression slowly contorted into one of internal panic, showcasing a furrowed brow, concerned frown and narrowed eyes.

Lashone watched as her worried mother left the room before looking down at her scaly companion again. Her smile was as wide as it could feesably stretch as her hand gently cascaded down his neck, her fingers lingering on the unfamiliar feeling of his scales, memorizing the sensation, the smoothness, and the novelty.

She watched the being open one of his sparkling amber eyes lacksadaisicaly. The two of them locked eyes, staring at each other in peaceful silence that grew in tensity by the second. After a few seconds the young dragon narrowed his eyes and barred his teeth letting a low growl emit from his mouth. Lashone reached for the pack of beef jerky at her side before gently bapping the snoot of the creature. Utterly confused, his eyes crossed, taking only a second to gaze at the snack of processed meat before he opened his mouth and quickly brought is teeth down on it, clamping his jaw as he tasted the treat. After a moment of chewing he seemed a bit more satisfied, relaxing his body a bit and laying his head on the floor.

Lashone smiled gently patting her new family member, who seemed to glare at her attempt at giving attention, but made no move to deter her this time around.

"I think we're gonna get along great"

The baby beast snorted.

Lashone mock pouted, "You could pretend to have at least a little faith, ya know"

She continued patting him, stroking his scales and letting his reluctant, involuntary purrs fill the room. In the midst of this, she came to a sudden realization

"You need a name"

The creature stared up at her with half lidded eyes, and she stared back, furrowing her brow and squinting as though the answer was etched somewhere in the infant reptile's expression.


The baby continued staring back at her, but didn't growl or grunt. He remained silent, which Lashone took to mean the name would work.

She smiled before relaxing and going back to patting her new friend, whose eyes closed as he entered a peaceful state. "Well then. Welcome to the family, Blaze"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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