Happy Part 12

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Renjun's POV

Renjun was the last to wake up. Jaemin and Jeno had managed to slip away from the sleeping boy without waking him up, and had gone to prepare for the inevitable finale.

Renjun looked around, confused on why he was so cold. He distinctly remembered being warm when he fell asleep.

He sat up, and quickly figured out why. Jeamin and Jeno were gone. He panicked a little bit, trying to figure out where they had gone. He figured it would be best to stay where he was, to see if they would come back.

After what felt like an eternity, the two boys he loved more than anything finally returned. They were both holding game, one had a rabbit while the other had a squirrel.

Renjun's face lit up, he hadn't had meat since the Games began.

"Good morning sleepy-head!" Jaemin teased cheerfully.

Jeno simply walked over to Renjun and hugged him as his way of saying good morning.

Renjun was blushing furiously, and Jaemin was jealous, so he walked over to the two and quickly pecked Renjun's cheek.

If it was possible for Renjun's cheeks to get even redder, they did.

"W-why are you being so... flirty?" Renjun asked after he had recovered enough to speak.

"Because we love you," Jeno said simply.

"O-oh," was all Renjun could manage to say.

"Nonoooooo look how cute he is when he's all flustered!" Jaemin exclaimed.

Jeno grinned at Renjun, and then kissed his forehead. Then he turned to Jaemin and kissed the other boy's cheek.

Renjun about died of happiness then and there.

The boys he loved loved him. And even more importantly, they loved each other.

Suddenly Renjun was sure they could make it out of this arena alive. He wasn't sure how they would do it yet, but he knew there had to be a way. 

A way out for all three of them.

Heyo, Seashell here! We're almost done with the story for both the happy and sad ending parts! It's been fun to write this story and share it with you all, but I'm honestly getting a little tired of writing stuff that has constant action. 😅 

Anyways, cya in the next chapter!

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