Happy Part 16

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Here's a longer chapter since I'm not going to post as often! There may be typos because I haven't proof-read it yet!

-Seashell 🌊💖

They took Jaemin away again to get ready for the interview.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't been tempted to kill the people who came to get him.

My stylists put me in a stupid black suit studded with white gems. I get that my district is luxury products, but do we seriously need to always wear shiny things?

Jaemin's probably wearing a suit too though. So at least we're on the same boat. I wonder what Injunnie's going to wear...

I still haven't been able to see Injunnie, and that's frustrating. They never even told us when he woke up, I just know he did since they're going to do the interviews today.

"You look absolutely stunning!" My idiotic stylist exclaimed.

I ignored her, still worried about my little 9.

She rolled her eyes at me and walked away, murmuring something about boys never appreciating style.

It wasn't long until I was hurried away, towards an elevator that I assumed led up to the main platform area, where Dak-Ho was waiting. He would watch the 2-hour games compilation with us, then ask us some questions. Then we would go.

The only thing I really cared about was getting back to my boys.

The elevator was similar to the one that has risen into the arena. There was no glass around it though, and instead of an arena, it led to a huge open stage, with a plastic black floor, and screens for walls. Since I'm from District 1, I'm supposed to go first.

Renjun will go last.

Dak-Ho greeted me, then led me over to the seat in the center of the stage. It was one of those 4-people couches, that had a corner. I opted to stand and wait for Jaemin though. I would sit when I was with my boys again.

After a long minute of applause, the audience finally quited. They would've been cheering for a lot longer if they didn't know they were about to see a sweet reunion.

Then the elevator on the other end of the stage rose, and Jaemin stepped onto the stage. He hurried over to me and hugged me, and I held him in my arms.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too," He whispered back.

There was still something missing though.

We waited in anticipation, ready for our Injunnie to appear on stage. We wanted to be sure he was ok, that he didn't need our help.

The audience was full of whispers, and people 'shh' ing each other. They knew that Jaemin and I had been kept away from Renjun so he could recover in peace.

Then the elevator behind us rose, and there he was. He looked perfect, wearing a blue puffy shirt with gold designs stitched across it. He also had on some pale pink jeans. (Non-ripped-)

The second he saw he ran to us, and was instantly pulled into a hug by Jaemin and I. We just stood like that, enjoying each other's presence, until Dak-Ho finally motioned towards the couch.

I sat down first, and Jaemin sat down after me. We pulled Injunnie down in between us, and wrapped our arms protectively around him, just in case anyone tried to take him again.

I mentally prepared myself for the Games summary we were about to watch.

Renjun's going to see how many people I killed...

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