🖤chapter three🖤

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Keke plamer as Amina

Keke plamer as Amina

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Kachana ❤️

Hana: were going shopping

Amina: don't have to tell me twice 🙄

Amina and I meet when I first came to London. I tripped and she stepped on my hand. She apologized so many times and offered me coffee which I accepted.In all honesty I didn't feel pain, the euphoria of simply being in a different state overtook the pain but who am I to refuse free coffee. From there we just clicked.

Hana:pick u up in ten

I wasn't in the mood to dress up so I just grabbed some jeans and a yellow crop top.
I put my hair in a messy bun and wore some slides.

I grabbed my phone, car keys and walked out locking my door.When I walk to my car I noticed the BMW was still there.

Maybe one of the neighbors bought a new car I thought while getting into my car and driving off to Amina's.

I drove into Amina's drive way and turned off my engine.

Knowing Amina she's still getting ready so I just walked into her house sat on the couch and started scrolling through my phone.

While stalking some cute guy I don't know I heard someone scream from behind me. I looked behind with a blank face and saw Amina with a hand on her chest.

"You scared me"she said

"You look good"I said ignoring her.

"Couldn't say the same about you, what are you wearing"she said looking at my outfit like stinky Cheese.

"Clothes" I said in a bored tone

"More Like trash"she said.

Amina was more of a bad bitch and I was more of a nerd cliche I know. she was more out going and blant, I was the lazy one who reads books for fun.

"Are you coming or not"I said getting bored with this conversation.

She just nodded and walk towards my car like she owns it.

I got in and drove to the nearest mall .


"How about this one" Amina said holding a red dress. It was cute but looked like a dress meant for clubbing than work

"No to slutty" I said

"how About this one"she said

"Too short"I said while looking at other options

I heard a gasp coming from Amina so I looked up and saw her holding a blush or crepe pink dress

"This would look great on you"She said while handing it to me.

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