🖤 chapter ten🖤

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This chapter is dedicate to
to Chuchuus and lovelyAzia
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This chapter is dedicate toto Chuchuus and lovelyAziaThank you for voting and commenting ❤

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Marcelo 🚬

"I swear I don't know anything" the man screamed pleading innocence

I smiled and looked him dead in the eye

"Look sam the time I'm wasting here could be used to get my girl so do us both a favor and start talking" I said still smiling like a psycho

"I told you I don't know were he is" he said crying lightly

My smile dropped and I sighed deeply

"Wrong answer" I said before I punched him square in the jaw

I punched him a few more times before Adrian came running through the door

"Marcelo your phone's ringing" he said

"I'm busy Adrian" I said still punching the fool

"It's bella" as soon as I heard that I stopped punching the fool and walked towards him

He had a stupid grin which made me want to punch him

"You could have started with that you know" I said looking at him with a bored face but deep down I was jumping happily

"Get someone to finish him off" I shouted at the guard causing him to ran out the door in search of a guy willing to torture him more. Truthfully all of them will be willing to finish the job.

I quickly pick up the phone trying not to smile like an idiot

"Umm hello" her sweet voice did a 360 on my mood

"Bella" I said

"Umm I called to ask for a favor"

I had no idea what she needed but my answer is already yes

"And what is that tesoro" I asked even if I was going to agree either way

"I need you to translate something for me, I would have asked anyone else but your the only person I know who speaks italian, well I think that was italian"

For the first time in weeks I feel accomplished in life. I feel so glad I'm italian right now, if it means I could talk my goddess I was willing to learn french too.

"Sure what do you want translated" I played it cool

"Era proprio do fronte a me. Non so come sia scomparsa, I don't know if I said that right"

My whole body froze at the mention of those words

My blood boiled at those words but I couldn't tell bella what it meant

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