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The workers were rigid as they tried not to think about the gunshot that rang out. The few who heard it and were not part of the mafia pegged it out to be some loud bang from the construction going on in one of the rooms that day, after all, no one had come running or screaming down. The janitors were on a break since the disposal team took their place during the time of the murders, and those closest to Seokjin were all in their respected areas outside listening in to what was happening through little radios in their ears. Everything seemed to be running well.

Though, Jeongguk was proving himself to be more of a challenge than Seokjin had anticipated. Seokjin wondered exactly how much water Jeongguk had consumed to be able to produce so many damn tears.

"Aim," Seokjin ordered as the company leader stood frozen in fear.

How exactly was one supposed to react whenever being held at gunpoint?

"Jeongguk?" The man was finally able to croak out as Jeongguk found his heart lodged in his throat. He could feel his quick heart pace seemingly cutting off his respiratory tract. "Holy shit, you both are psychopaths!" The man yelled as he ran to the exit.

Seokjin saw Jeongguk shaking and groaned at the teenager's incompetence, the weakness of the teenager caused him to get a strong headache.

The mafia leader said nothing as he wrapped his hands with Jeongguks as he had to aim for the man.

"Daddy, p-please," Jeongguk managed out weakly as his breakfast came rising in his throat fast.

"Pull the trigger," Seokjin ordered as the man banged at the door.

"Let me out! They want to kill me! They killed my assistant!" He shouted as he pulled at the door to no avail.

Jeongguk took a deep swallow as he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger with a trembling hand. A scream filled the room as the man clutched his shoulder.

"You crazy whore!" He shouted at Jeongguk as he reached for the doorknob.

Seokjin froze.

"You're pathetic Jeon Jeongguk! You found yourself a fucking sugar daddy to get you the idol status you wanted! Let me tell you something you-you slut," The man ranted on in a delirious mindset. "You can't sing for shit, your singing is like a cat being tortured and gave us all headaches! Your dancing is trash like you and you look worse than roadkill!" The man shouted as he began to laugh.

Jeongguk felt tears well in his eyes as the taunts hit deep. Suddenly, Jeongguk no longer felt the man behind him, he no longer kept his arms up or ordered him to shoot.

No, instead, Jeongguk watched with big eyes as the handsome man grabbed his ex-company leader's head by the hair and slammed it against the door.

"Talk shit about me all you wish, insult me, threaten my life, do everything you lowlife people like to do, I frankly could not give a donkey's ass about your words. However, do not ever insult my baby boy," Seokjin said in a deep voice that sent chills up Jeongguk's spine.

"Shut up, you probably only have him to fuck him-ah!" The man yelled as Seokjin pulled his head back before slamming it against the door again.

"I do not know what type of man you think of me to be, however, I am not one of those. Jeongguk is still a virgin and I have no reason to take that from him," Seokjin growled out as he brought his knee up quickly to the man's crotch resulting in a deep grunt of pain as the man finally fell from the pain.

"Y-yeah right, you've seen his ass. There is no way you have not wanted to fuck hi-" The man felt his air get cut off as the heel of Seokjin's shoe dug into his crotch which he tried to grab onto but the mafia leader was quick to kick his nose in. "Argh! Y-you broke my damn nose!"

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