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Jeongguk was in shock whenever the head of the group - it seemed like she was older by mindset but even then was at a child's mentality while her companions were toddlers - ordered him to sleep.

"Here, have your milk for your morning nap," Yuri said as she shoved the baby bottle into the hands of the teenager.

"I just woke up from sleeping. How can you expect me to sleep now?" Jeongguk asked as he crossed his arms.

"A young toddler like you needs two naps during the day as well as sleeping throughout the night," Yuri said which resulted in a frown being placed on the younger teenager's face.

"I am a teenager, I don't do naps," Jeongguk growled out as he got up and decided it would be the best time to leave. "I'm going," Jeongguk said as he stood and headed to the door.

However, upon opening the door the man who had taken the littles to the playroom stood staring at him.

"Where are you heading to?" Lee asked Jeongguk.

A lump had grown in the teenager's throat making him swallow hard.

"B-bathroom..." Jeongguk said unsteadily.

Jeongguk tried to pass by but it was no surprise that Lee grabbed his arm making him scream. Down in the kitchen the other males perked up at the sound of the screaming boy. Seokjin sighed as he set his napkin down on the table and dusted off his suit.

"Clean the table," Seokjin ordered the servants before heading to where the younger male had screamed.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon all followed Seokjin wondering why Jeongguk was screaming. All of them were numb to the idea of him being scared of the new environment.

"Let me go, you buffoon!" Jeongguk screamed as he kicked his legs in the air wildly.

"What is the matter here?" Seokjin's deep voice rang out making Jeongguk stop and look at him.

"The boy tried to leave," Lee said making Jeongguk bite his bottom lip.

"Why did you not drink your milk?" Seokjin asked as he motioned for Lee to set the boy down instead of hoisting him up in the air by his arm.

"I'm not sleepy," Jeongguk said softly as he rubbed his wrist.

"Give me his milk," Seokjin said with a sigh and Yuri handed the bottle to the mafia leader.

He then picked up Jeongguk easily with one arm and brought the milk bottle to the teenager's lips. The teenager being stubborn did not open his mouth and was met with a pinch to his sensitive bum.

Jeongguk yelped and Seokjin used that as a way to put the plastic nipple into Jeongguks mouth.

"I will get Im to watch Jeongguks room once he goes to sleep. You stay here," Seokjin said to Lee.

Jeongguk glared at the male who held him with one arm, him doing so made him feel uneasy which made him grab onto the male's suit. As he suckled on the milk he slowly felt himself get sleepier.

Jeongguk found his sudden sleepiness odd but realized that the male who held him was the mafia leader. What or who would stop him from drugging the milk he drank with a sleeping drug?

The thought occurred to him too late as he cuddled closer to Seokjin and clutched the man's suit. Through his half-open eyes, he saw Seokjin as oddly handsome which made him feel weird, it felt almost nostalgic.

Seokjin was telling Namjoon to get the fake charity set up whenever he felt a soft weight being placed on his chest. His cold eyes traveled down to see the teenager sleeping all snuggled up in his chest.

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