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The human body may be able to live a while without food but water is a different story. From various research, it seems as if the human body can go a week without intaking water. Even though Jeongguk knew all of this, he still could not consume a thing.

Now, Jeongguk was not the epitome of healthy.

Hell, the teenager ate enough to give him energy to sing and dance seeing as even the slightest over the weight in the weighing trials would put him on probations. It was not uncommon for Jeongguk to sleep instead of eating dinner like his fellow trainees.

Many thought Jeongguk did not like them and grew to despise him. However, they knew not of the younger who silenced his growling stomach and thoughts about food by simply sleeping. Though, after getting kicked out of the company he was under, Jeongguks eating schedule no longer needed to be cut but was done so after years of the same routine.

Ever since the gang and the mafia had a shoot-off, the teenager could not stomach a thing. His lack of self-care even gave him a cold and Seokjin was growing irritated.

With every waking day, Seokjin found himself growing more and more irritated with Jeongguk.

"Boss, good morning," Jaebum said as he bowed.

Seokjin ignored the male and looked at the pastel pink nameplate.

"Is he awake?" Seokjin asked the new guard to Jeongguks room.

"He has not slept in a while..." Jaebum said softly making Seokjin tisk his tongue.

"I assume there was no success in feeding him or having him drink water either," Seokjin stated.

"You would be correct boss," Jaebum responded.

"I see. Do not enter no matter how much screaming you hear," Seokjin ordered the guard who bowed.

Seokjin grabbed the cold door handle and twisted it.

Jeongguk laid on the bed staring blankly at the pastel pink wall. The door clicking gave him an indicator that someone had just entered the room. Who would it be this day?

Everyone from Yoongi to Yuri had come to Jeongguk and tried to get him to eat but no matter who tried, they all failed. Jeongguks stomach let out a little whine but Jeongguk felt the urge to vomit seeing as he remembered the blood splattering everywhere.


Jeongguk froze at the all too familiar voice. Something inside Jeongguk burned at the sound of the voice, Jeongguk felt his eyes water as well.

"Why are you not eating? Is the food not up to your standards? Do you want me to fly in a chef from wherever you would like? Is this in defiance? Just in case if it is the latter if you think you will die of malnutrition you are highly mistaken," Seokjin said making Jeongguks stomach rumble.

"I..." Jeongguks weak voice was cut off by how dry his mouth was.

Seokjin arched an eyebrow as he grabbed the water that had been left next to the teenager's bed at the bedside. The glass cup was brought up to Jeongguks lips but the water simply rolled off the teenager's lips.

An agitated growl left Seokjin as he roughly grabbed Jeongguks jaw making the younger whimper. Seokjin pried the teenager's mouth open and poured a bit of water into Jeongguks lips.

The cool liquid rushed down Jeongguks throat relieving the dry smooth muscles. Jeongguk slowly closed his eyes and quickly gulped down the rest of the water. It was a surprise to Jeongguk whenever the water suddenly stopped coming.

"What do you want to eat? Is rice porridge okay?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk who shook his head weakly.

The thought of the bodies falling over only to not get up, replayed in Jeongguks head.

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