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Seokjin was anything but an idiotic leader, unlike other leaders at the same time.

Others could be manipulated and that was how Jackson Wang had taken over the Triad branch based in Hong Kong. Others trusted or relied on someone too much, that was how Kunpimook Bhuwakul was able to gain control over the Koh Tao underground mafia.

Those who backstabbed Seokjin never really backstabbed him, if anything they were merely puppets Seokjin had fun with until discarding of the corpse. Seokjin was very tactile and if anything, the mafia leader carefully planned things out to keep himself entertained instead of betrayed.

The very alleyway Seokjin and Jeongguk stood in at the moment was the same alley where Seokjin had killed several backstabbers after he had no more use for them. The very position Seokjin was in with Jeongguk was the position Seokjin used whenever he ended the puppet's life.

There was just one key difference between the puppets Seokjin played with and Jeongguk.

The options Jeongguk was given were ones the dead men would have wished they were given.

Those men would have bowed down to Seokjin and literally would have kissed his shoes. However, Jeongguks mind had instead blanked.

The man who kidnapped him stared at the teenager with cold eyes as he pressed the deadly weapon onto the teenager's forehead.

"Your choice sweety," Seokjin said after a fat minute of silence.

Seokjin loved to consider himself as always accurate, there had never been an instance where Seokjin's judgment had been wrong to him. Sure, killing people may seem wrong to others but to Seokjin it was just part of how he was raised and his job. Selling drugs to minors may also look bad to others but to Seokjin it was just another form of money, after all, it was not his own life which was being worsened.

On the contrary, Seokjin's life got better with each illegal drug sold, more money for him to buy ridiculously expensive items.

However, this was the first time Seokjin had been wrong.

Instead of turning away to run away or press the barrel of the gun closer to his forehead, Jeongguk did something different.

Seokjin froze whenever two small pairs of arms wrapped around his muscular body.

The action is one that Seokjin had never felt in years, at least not the way Jeongguk hugged him.

Of course, people had hugged and begged Seokjin to spare their family or whoever, however, the way Jeongguk hugged Seokjin made Seokjin want to shove the teenager away and shoot him for the internal attack.

"I just want to shower," Jeongguk whispered to Seokjin as his forehead rested against the older male's broad muscular chest rather than the cold barrel of a pistol.

Seokjin's hand was not up in the air aimed at where the teenager once stood but instead lay limp at his side from the shock of the physical interaction.

"You know what that means, right?" Seokjin asked seeing as he was trying to prove he was not wrong about his assumption on the teenager.

Yeah, Seokjin smiled to himself as he realized he was just deceived and the teenager would pull away and run away but he would not get far since Seokjin would shoot him.

One again, Seokjin was proven wrong.

A pair of thin chapped lips pressed against Seokjin's jawline and this upset Seokjin.

Seokjin had been wrong twice now about what the teenager would do. Jeongguk kissing Seokjin's jawline told Seokjin that the teenager had submitted himself to the elder in going with him.

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