Mrs & Mrs

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(Tw: violence & usage of guns)

Brittany's phone rings and she pushes the green button on her steering wheel, activating the calls bluetooth. "Brittany Smith."

"Ya know, that's the second time you've tried to kill me, baby."

"Oh, hush honey. It was only a little bomb."

"I want you to know I'm going home to burn everything I have ever bought you."

"I'll race you there, darling." The blonde husks, ending the call. Although, since her 'wife' is as stubborn as she is, there's no surprise when the phone immediately starts ringing again. "You there yet?"

"The first time we met, what was your first thought?"

"You tell me."

"I thought..." Santana struggles to find the words, as if there were a way she could describe the feeling of love at first sight. "I thought you looked like the first day of spring.. when the roses wake from their sleep to green the morning sun... I don't know how else to say it."

"...Why tell me this now? Why not during those six years of marriage?"

"I guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning. So there it is. I thought you should know." The brunette pauses a moment before asking again, "So how about it, Brittany? What did you think of me?"

"I thought..." the blondes head fall back against the rest, voice quivering as she struggles to stay detached. "I thought you were the most beautiful mark I'd ever seen."

Santana sighs in defeat, "So it was all business, yeah?"

"All business."

"From the go."

"Cold, hard math."

"Thank you. That's what I needed to know."

                   CALL DISCONNECTED

Just as Santana started to pull in the driveway to her home, Brittany, previously hidden, pushed down on the gas pedal of her vehicle and crashed right into the passenger door of the brunettes stolen car.

"Fuck!" Santana yelled with a scowl as Brittany blew her a kiss and backed up, her busted front bumper dragging along the driveway with a loud screech as she sped away, not without further clipping the stolen car in the process of pushing it out of the way to head up the driveway first.

Huffing, Santana put the car in reverse and tried to back up and follow the same movement forward, but the car had been terribly damaged - courtesy of her lovely wife - and the twisted metal stuck on the curb to a jerked stop; one-third in the driveway, one-third in the shrubbery lining the yard, and one-third hanging into the street. She shook the steering wheel with a grunt of frustration and jumped out of the car, running to the front door in a crouched sprint. She turned the door handle, further frustrated realising it was locked, and heard her neighbour call out to her.

"Hey, Santana!"

She jiggled the handle and pushed on the door with her shoulder before tossing a distracted and now furious glance back at her neighbour who was dressed in sweats, out on a jog and sending her a friendly wave in greeting.
"Good evening, Finn."

"Are you all right?"

The brunette ducked down and crept behind the bushes, quickly stealing glances in the windows lining the front of her property, looking for any signs of movement inside. "Yeah."

"Okay..." He let his words drift off, confused by Santana's odd behaviour as she now started trying to open every window, all of which were (as usual) locked as well. "Umm, by the way, your car is hanging out over the... sidewalk here."

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