Date night

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Brittany loved the games. She probably enjoyed them little too much, and she was sure she wasn't the only one who found them enthralling. The sensations running through her body was electrifying; it sent her mind into overdrive. Truth to be told, she was fucking addicted to the games, as long as she was involved.

Casting a lidded glance at the men that surrounded her, Brittany grinned widely and hoisted her bare leg around the golden chain hanging from the ceiling. Her bleached like body pressed against the glass screen, slowly, crimson lips pulled up into a smile - never faltering for a moment. The short golden dress she wore clung to her curves, she knew that she had them all spell-bound. Maybe even some of the women as well. Her hips moved with every beat of the music, arms raised behind her head which fell backwards - her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath she took. An exhilarating feeling.

Hips swayed from where she was in the golden cage, the spotlight on her, the jewelry she was gifted sparkling on her pale complexion, candy dyed curls framing her face so perfectly. She owned this, she owned the stares and undivided attention of every single male in the room. The mafia bosses and the gangsters, all the rich customers, they stared at her with unconcealed lust – but only when she wasn't looking.

Brittany let her hands follow the swell of her hips, up to her chest, hearing the cheers and the loud music edging her racing heartbeat on. Pale hands latched onto the chains that dangled from the cages ceiling and mimicked them to shoot at the crowd; it drove them all fucking wild. She was the queen, and oh yes, they were all aware of that. They would bow before her before the night was over. Especially the few lucky ones she'd choose to get closer too – she giggled at the thought.

Of course Santana was watching. She was always watching, when she wasn't doing 'business' with the customers; even then that dark possessive gaze wouldn't leave the blonde for more than a few minutes at a time. From the brunette's VIP seat, or the bulletproof platform at the very top, she could always see brittany.

And Brittany knew exactly how it made santana react, how it turned the latina on, to see her dancing like that in front of the other men, with the other men. Santana's expression would get darker and it would be that much more exciting when she finally got back to her Puddin'. The dark woman's desire would be turned up to the extreme, it was Brittany's much awaited treat at the end of the night. Santana could bring Brittany back to her side in a moment with a simple whistle and she'd happily skip through the mass of bodies, to the one only one that mattered. Just as much did she enjoy the fact that Santana only had eyes for her, should the dark woman's gaze ever drift to one of the other strippers or guests, Brittany would make sure the girl didn't live to see the light of dawn.

It took the blonde so high, making her pulse race and her face shine so much brighter – she was the center of everything, most of all Santana's universe. Let's be real - Brittany never cared for any of the other customers, the thrown hundred-dollar bills, the fire in their eyes. It was all for Santana.

Santana always let her play, knowing how much it amused them both, but Santana was the one who decided when playtime was over. Waiting for it was just another exciting step. Sometimes they played the Latina's version of the game – she'd offer Brittany to some of her business clients, sarcastically, Santana would pick out the victim. It didn't matter what the person in question responded; his death sentence was complete once Brittany laid eyes on the man.

One of the male strippers entered the cage and the blonde grinned; she'd toy with him for a bit just to edge the crowd on further. She pushed him against the glass, batted her eyelashes and moved her waist up and down as she ground herself on him. She was stronger than him and easily manhandled him. She was swift as a bird, a result of the training in her earlier life, and a glance from the Queen of the Lopez Empire could make any of those bosses weak in their knees. She was in no way less lethal than the King, and she wouldn't make them forget.

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