She's a super freak!

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(Listen to 'Super Freak' by Rich James.. that's definitely Brittany's anthem 🤡)

Santana was fucking irritated. She and Brittany had intended to go to out tonight and have some fun, but of course, there is truly no rest for the insane.

Santana had barely taken a sip of her first drink when Puck showed up saying there were just a few things Santana needed to take care of while she here. This happened to turn into an full fucking goddamn hour of business and one unfortunate incident involving some goddamn idiotic party crashers.
Santana was finally sitting on the couch in the VIP section taking a break before her last "small" meeting.

The latinas dark eyes glanced out across the club and zoned in on Brittany dancing alone. She looked absolutely beautiful, adored in a silky red slip that edged painfully close to sinful, dipping low between her breasts and flowed down her long legs. A slit ran up her left thigh, taunting anyone who even glanced at the blonde, the endings of an ivy tattoo that circled around her pale white skin of her thigh that trailed up and curled around her hips, up her ribs and rested below her right breast. Santana's name inked beneath the vine in cursive. Property of Santana Lopez. Mine. The latina huffed lightly to herself, as long as no one touched her then they were going to have a great night.

Brittany had come a long way since they first met years ago. It had been due to unfortunate circumstance that led both women to meet.


The Pierce family had been a few months late on their owed payments and Santana was looking for something to hurry the fuck along. Brittany and her mother had been walking out of a restaurant when Santana and her men appeared surrounding them. Brittany immediately stepped in front of her mother, hands raised in surrender.

"Look, whatever ya want we'll give it to you," she had reached into her pocket with delicate, shaky hands, "Here's all the money I've got.. j-just take it and go. Please. I won't even call the cops just don't hurt us." She said quickly, her heavy Boston accent causing an odd warmth deep within Santana.

Santana chuckled, "How adorable, you think we're thieves?" She gestured to her customised Armani suit, "Does it look like I need your petty allowance, darling?"

Brittany's pale hands had been noticeably shaking by then, "look miss, if you're not here robbin' us then please let us go."

Santana pretended to think about it, "Sorry blue eyes, I'm not robbing you, but I do need you." Santana signalled for her men to move in, "Grab em' boys."

Brittany suddenly jumped forward and attempted to hit her small first attacker. She was clearly untrained and just throwing useless punches at random hoping they hit someone, though she fought wildly enough that two of Santana's men had to hold the desperate woman down. When the blonde saw the gap she yelled for her mother to run, but the elderly woman hesitated then seemed to decide it was better to run and slipped away. Santana had considered going after her, but this whole kidnapping might get her the money faster if the Pierces' were told sooner rather than later that she had their daughter.

Santana finally realised that her men had Brittany subdued and tied up, squeaking out cusses. When she wasn't fighting the woman was rather adorable. Santana decided then and there to keep this girl close at hand for the time they would be together.
It had come as quite a shock to innocent Brittany that her family business was a gang and not a reasonably sized company. It had also come as quite a shock to Santana that Brittany was completely unaware of this, it explained why she was so untrained in a fight. Santana couldn't believe that Brian Pierce had been stupid enough to not get their daughter some self-defense training, or even a fucking body guard. Clearly, they were inept at more than just running a criminal organisation.

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