"Obviously i like dancing with santana best.."

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The slow music and chatter of the party-goers died down as the first tendrils of dark red and silvery white began to playfully swirl between the heels of other dancers, a sudden icey ness and the disembodied laughter of two very distinct voices filling the air. The guards stationed at each door moved far too slowly as two figures had already formed in the middle of the wide dance room, sudden gasps floating in the air from the guests.

The blondes pale eyes gleamed with unbidden amusement as the darker woman's mirrored her actions, her almost black pupils gliding across the still room, taking in the stillness with a gleeful chuckle. Brittany's scarlet lips widened into a devilish grin as she turned towards the brunette, grasping the woman's upper arms, long fingers dancing across her lovers fabric covered arm, descending through it until they interlaced with inked tan fingers.

"Sorry for the tardiness." The brunette husked, the dark shades blacks and reds of her suit matching with the crimson dress the blonde wore. The ruby jewels that dipped between pale breast glimmered beneath the soft glow of the lit fires and hung lights that illuminated the room. Santana bared a feral grin that mirrored the blondes in her arms, her bleached white skin glowing as magic tendrils covered the floor. "We just wanted to make an entrance."

It was the administrator who was first to get his bearings, swallowing as he cautiously approached the newly arrived couple. Just as he bowed the first tendril grazed the ankle of a bystander, making them shiver just as Brittany casted a quick glance towards Santana, a playful warning in her blue eyes.

"We.. um.. welcome?" The man stumbled, face seeming to turn pale in fright as he stood before the two enchantresses who eyed one another in amusement, magic still seeping from them both.

"Don't bother on announcing us." Santana said, raising the blondes hand and kissing it twice before turning towards the paler than ever man. "I think its pretty clear who we are."

"Manners are always important." Brittany whispered lowly but the pretense of an actual scold was lost on the way she laughed throatily to Santana's ticklish lips on her skin, her eyes narrowing, seemingly forgetting that they were still being watched. The man, however, didn't seem bothered by the lack of manners and quickly scurried away, eyes trained on the floor, quickly moving back to his previous position.

After some time the music began to timidly sound again, the musicians quickly catching velocity as both Brittany and Santana began to sway slowly, not giving two fucks to anything else but each other, sharing soft whispers as the moved, lips never too far from the other's.

The others in the room never really did get on to what they were talking about; they would later talk about the couple's menacing stances, on the way the magic crackled and jumped between them, on the glow on their eyes as they kissed and smirked, teeth gleaming as they did.

Wasn't sure if I was ever going to post this. It wasn't finished and I stopped after finding out about Naya. Plus I said I wouldn't be posting about them anymore.. though, that being said, I wanted to share one last thing with y'all. :)

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