Chapter 26; I Don't Like Cops.

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*Two Point Of Views.

Were getting close to the end people!  Enjoy.


He's sitting in his office chair with his chest heavy, filled with tenderness as he think's back to last night. His date night with Sutton. Something he thought he would hate, routine nights out were not his kind of fun. But something he has grown to love. If not for the one on one time with her then for having her spend the night at his place. She wanted to know everything she could about his family, and he told her. He answered all her questions honesty and without holding back, and now that he's sitting here, alone he doesn't know if that was a good thing.

Here he was getting attached. So attached that when she brought up that ridiculous bet her sister and friends placed on them he was so close to saying fuck it and ruin it right then. Feelings, especially these type of feelings, were foreign to him. He was out of his element and It was irritating as fuck.

This all felt so right but was so wrong. 

Just as he is reminiscing his office doors open wide and his three co workers walk in. Looking at the digital clock on his desk he see's it's about time for the briefing. He stands and walks across the room to the far wall where the white board is filled with intel. Pictures of men suspected of working with the West Side Wranglers, caught or under surveillance as well as names of who might be the new boss.

"Anything new?" Knight asks, jumping right in.

Cade goes to sit on the couch closest to the door, and Knight remembers he just came from the late shift at the Price residence. The young man still in training so currently doing all the grunt work like surveillance. Tired from the lack of sleep, Cade leans his head back on the cushions and groans.

"Nothing to report here." He mutters before lifting his head and giving Knight his eyes. "Rodrigo and Joe are there now as well as a patrol car outside the residence."

Nodding Knight then looks to the other two men. Already getting their report the night before but liking a verbal report either way.

"Levi's gone underground." Jax admits and his usually bright eyes are swollen and tired.

Griffin swears and the three men look to see him staring at the white board with a frown on his face. His expression showing just how frustrated he is with the news while his eyes are locked on the picture they have of Levi pinned on the board.

"We had him going east on Valley Drive before he disappeared. Not sure if he came back to town or left." Griffin chimes in saying.

Knight nods letting them know he hears them before looking out to the main room where the rest of the team is setting up for the day. 

"Continue on the main target and find out where Levi is hiding." He says after a moment. 

It's a few hours later when Knight's stomach growls loudly and has him looking down at the noise before glancing quickly to the clock on his desk. 

Lunch Time.

Just as he is about to announce a break a loud 'Ha' has him frowning over at the guys.

Cade stands up fast and curses loudly before he rushes over to the desk and places a file in front of Knight. A profile of a man is at the top of the page.

"Fuck, I knew this guy looked familiar." He declares and as he's saying this Knight's looking into the eyes of one 'Silver Reyes'. 

Reading the information attached to this man he knows he's no one good but look's up to Cade's eyes for clarification.

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