Chapter 29; I love you.

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I'm in the arms of the man I love, safe and comforted. He's carrying me through the house I was prisoner in, both of us holding on tight like we can't risk letting go. I bring my face deeper into Knight's neck, shielding my eyes from the view around me and biting back groans of pain. Each step sending agonizing pain through my body.

I must of been held in a basement because as we make our way up to the main floor the musky rotten smell fades and fresh air greets me. Finally on solid ground I pull my face from Knight's neck and risk a look.

Everywhere I look, there's a familiar face. Cade, is standing tall with a large gun in his hand shouting angrily at a group of men handcuffed seated in front of him. The usually expressionless guy, with a big heart has his hands clutched to the deathly machine and his eyes are cold. 

Jaxon is coming down the creaky staircase when Knight passes and I'm also surprised by the look on his face. With no smile present he looks older. His eyebrows drawn and his dark skin gleaming with sweat, he's practically a stranger. As we pass I see an injury to his right bicep, a bullet wound. I'm relieved when he catches my eye and he sighs deeply managing a shaky smile my way. Comforting me, showing my friend is still in there somewhere.

The last man I'm looking for is my brother. Need cripples me as I search the house for him. I need to know he is OK. Before I can voice my concerns Griffin is rushing into the house with paramedics behind him.

"Oh Baby girl. Thank god." He cry's out coming over to cup my face gently and kiss my forehead.

With my body still wrapped tightly in Knights arms I can't comfort my brother back but I do manage a tired smile. He pulls back to look me over and by his frown I can tell I must look like shit.

"We should get a look at her." The female paramedic says.

Knight follows them out the house and towards the medical van. Once he sets me down gently on the plastic covered gurney he is stepping back to look me over too. His jaw is tense but I can see the relief in his eyes.

"You have no idea.." He starts but his voice cracks before he can finish. As the paramedics rush behind us I stare into his eyes.

Smiling slightly, I catch his hand in mine. "I'm OK." I tell him.

Still staring hard he leans down to peck my lips gently, a simple touch holding so much meaning.

"I love you so much." He admits making my smile turn genuine and wide.

"I love you to." I tell him quietly.

Staring into his eyes I ask what's been on my mind since I was taken from my apartment.

"Rosie?" I whisper.

His eyes find mine again, searching before he squeezes my hand.


"Clarke?" I whisper again.

He's silent for a moment and I stop breathing.

Oh no.

"In surgery." He finally replies.

Were interrupted when the paramedics start asking me questions. 

I'm sat inside the ambulance, the lights still flashing brightly and the noise of the crowd around us increasing every minute. I was given a blanket which I'm relieved at because I had completely forgotten about my lack of clothing before hand.

My body was being poked and prodded by the paramedics but my mind was still on Silver. He was the man I was promised to all those years ago. After being in his presence for a mere couple hours I can now positively say I would have died had I met him all those years ago. Had I not escaped Jeff and that town I would of been his property and had died by his hands. I know that in my bones and the confirmation has me dizzy with emotion.

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