I'm Here

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Lyra was ushered back to the bed she had been resting in not long ago by her mother, it was a direct comparison to the last time she had been with her mother. In her chambers at Bolvangar, after they had almost cut her and Pan. Before her mother rescued them, she didn't wish that for Lyra.

She saved her, Lyra was sleepy from all the crying she had done along with the emotions of the day. It was the middle of the night, very late into the night. It had been late already when Lyra and Will arrived at Mr. Latrom's house to retrieve the alethiometer. Lyra wished she had it right at the moment to ask it about her mother, whether she could be trusted this time or whether this all was another grand half truthed deception of her's.

Lyra was tired however Pan and Lyra refused to fall asleep and let their guard down in the slightest, while Lyra believed her mother wouldn't kill her it still didn't settle her nerves. As her mother had been known to hurt in other ways, Pan stayed close to Lyra sitting upon her lap as a red panda watching with narrowed eyes the golden monkey who sat at the edge of the bed staring at Lyra with searching deep eyes.

Lyra could only stare at the golden monkey as he refused to move his eyes off of Lyra and Pan for a millisecond as if she would disappear. Her mother had left the room nervously, reluctant to leave Lyra's vicinity however seemed to have conceded to leave her daemon behind now that Lyra knew they could separate at will.

It scared Lyra how she was able to do so, it was not natural.

Lyra could hear hushed whispers from downstairs, she appeared to be in the guest bedroom upstairs while her mother had gone to the kitchen to fetch some tea and to talk to Carlo Boreal as she knew him and quickly reintroduced to Lyra.

Lyra couldn't leave or make another attempt at escape since the golden monkey watched her vigorously without fail, Lyra also noted she had no way of contacting Will or getting to Will at the moment.

She would have to wait for him to return as he promised.

"He'll come back right?" Lyra asked Pan quietly, almost so low the golden monkey almost didn't hear it.

"Of course, he's Will" Pan comforted Lyra for a second, there was still some doubt at the back of her mind that she shoved down. She was scared she would be stuck with her mother with no chance of escape.

There was some noise downstairs as most of the lights were turned off as Lyra heard footsteps coming back up the stairs straight towards her.

There was some noise as her mother entered the room once more, with a forced comforting smile as she carried a teacup of tea with her. Her mother had changed into a nightgown of sorts similar to what she would wear however different from Will's world.

Boreal lingered in the doorway with her mother for a second, he wore a fake smile towards Lyra.


"Goodnight Carlo, thank you once again" Marisa smiled towards him with a look upon her face that made Lyra want to cringe and gag at the sight. It was weird seeing her mother act in such a way, she had never seen her with a man before.

"Lyra, say goodnight to Carlo" Marisa tilted her head towards Lyra, giving her a look that sent a shiver down Lyra's spine quickly.

"Goodnight" Lyra scarily found herself quickly responding back as if to appease her mother almost in fear.

Boreal smiled softly in response before bowing out of view down the hall towards his own bedroom for the night. Marisa seeing him go, let her face fall as if the facade had ended once the man was out of view. She then closed the bedroom door softly, Pan noticed through narrowed eyes that she locked it shut.

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