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Will noticing, Mr. Latrom and Lyra's mother in the kitchen signaled to Lyra to keep quiet, by putting a finger to his mouth to shush. He then raised the subtle knife in the air for her to see, before he gestured it towards space in the air.

He was going to rescue her. He had a plan.

"Here we are" Marisa then turned back around towards Lyra with a bowl and spoon in hand along with a carton of milk. She plastered an encouraging smile upon her face sitting down next to Lyra with some oatmeal and coffee for herself, hoping to pretend everything was fine and normal as if this were a normal morning between them.

Will just as Marisa turned around quickly ducked out of view from the window, just in time to not be seen. At least not by Marisa, Boreal on the other hand who had been leaning against the granite countertop nursing his cuppa noticed the slightest movement by the window.

Any other day, he would have dismissed it. However, expecting Will to return for Lyra with the knife. He was on edge and alert, he then quickly placed down his cup before walking past Lyra and Marisa at the table and towards the window.

He inspected the outside looking for any sights of anyone, at the sight of him at the window looking. Marisa then reached for Lyra's hand as if a crutch afraid her daughter would vanish before her very eyes.

"Is it the boy?" Marisa quickly inquired, asking him. Nervous and fearful. Not wishing an interruption while finally being able to be with her daughter.

"I'm not sure, I thought I saw something" Boreal's eyes narrowed as he glanced around out the window for hints of something.

Lyra saw her mother turn her gaze towards her. Lyra quickly put on a poker face resembling an expression her mother would have. They were very similar, not that Lyra would admit it.

"Lyra, did you see something?"

Lyra said nothing as she avoided her mother's eyes, she then reached to open the cereal box before pouring some out into the bowl her mother brought her.

"Nope, didn't see anything" Lyra then poured some milk on top of the cereal within the bowl splashing some upon the table. Before scooping some of the cereal upon the spoon before she began hurriedly eating it so as to have a reason not to speak.

Boreal narrowed his eyes further as did Marisa sensing Lyra was being avoidant, Boreal simmered his frustration towards the girl as he knew he could just check the security cameras installed all over his property.

"I'm going to check the security cameras, just in case. I will be back in just a moment, with that object we discussed. Perhaps after breakfast, it might be a good idea for Lyra to rest in the living room there is a telly in there that she might enjoy" Lyra listened as she ate, her mother sitting at the table next to her facing Boreal as he then left the room.

"Thank you, Carlo, that is kind of you" Marisa plastered a smile upon her face, as Boreal smiled softly towards her in response pleased with succeeding in pleasing Marisa.

Lyra wondered what he meant, as he didn't mention specifics around her. It made Lyra slightly nervous, as anything her mother kept secret from her usually did not bode well. Lyra did find what he referred to as the telly as interesting wondering what he meant that she would like it.

Lyra took bites of the cereal, which she found similar to the popcorn from the cinema where it tasted like wood shavings however it was very sweet which Lyra found she liked. Especially the shapes that were very soft and fluffy with colors on them.

Soon she finished it as Marisa sat nursing the remnants of her coffee next to her. As Lyra had eaten, her mother stared at her as if analyzing her or looking for something. It was making Lyra even more uncomfortable than she already was.

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