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You stood looking up at the door, going to check your phone once more a message appeared on your phone.

- act normal. don't give yourself away

You rolled your eyes at the message. Shigiraki always underestimated you, you knew deep down that All for One preferred you. And you had a different mindset to him. He was greedy and careless. You were cunning, and knew exactly how to appear innocent.

Looking back up, you walked into the classroom. You had arrived exactly on time, but it seemed as if everyone was already there. Not bothering to introduce yourself to anyone, you scanned the classroom for an empty seat. When your eyes met with a desk next to the window, you walked over to it. But before as you went to sit down, a red haired boy was standing in the way. He was talking to a few other people, one girl with pink skin and one guy with blonde hair.

"Excuse me." you said coldly.

They all turned to face you, pausing for a moment as they got a good look at you.

"Oh sorry! I'm Kirishima-"

"And I'm Mina Ashido! And this tough guy is Bakugou." the pink girl interrupted him, "You must be the new transfer student! What's your name?"

Your expression changed slightly, almost giving them a disapproving look as if you couldn't care less about their names. And you really couldn't, you already knew their names, strengths, weaknesses - everything. Your gaze clashed with Bakugou's, which you quickly turned away from. The one who the league kidnapped, the loud one.

"(Y/n) (L/n)" you replied, "Excuse me." you added as you looked back over to the Kirishima, repeating your words once more.

"Oh, yeah, um sorry." he said moving out the way, laughing awkwardly.

As you went to sit down, Mina and Kirishima gave each other weird looks before shrugging it off. You sat down, watching them as they snickered slightly. Whatever. But you noticed that Bakugou still had his eyes on you.

You inhaled deeply as you remembered that you needed to put on a front to get by, make them like you so that they can trust you. Your expression softened as you moved your gaze to the window, only to be interrupted by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor in front of you.

Bakugou sat down in front of you as he leaned back on his chair enough to invade your personal space.

"Do you mind?" you said in a condescending tone.

He turned to face you and looked you dead in the eyes, but didn't say anything. He scoffed and turned back around.

As he turned to face the front, a man with dark hair entered the classroom.

"Good morning class. As some of you might already know, we have a new transfer student here. (Y/n), introduce yourself to the class."

The students around you turned to face you, some of them whispered slightly while others were completely unfazed. However, you noticed Bakugou still looking ahead, not bothering to turn around. You stood up, looking around at a few of the students.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)." was all you said.

"What an introduction." Bakugou sneered under his breath.

"Say that to my face." You snapped at him, slamming your hands down on the desk.

The people around you quickly tensed up as they looked around at each other.

"Alright Y/n, Bakugou. That's quite enough! You two will have to learn to get along if you want to become good hero's. So I suggest you behave." Aizawa said as you sat down.

You huffed and looked out the window as Aizawa began talking about something you payed no attention to. It's was unnecessary to you, you only had one mission and that was to report back to the league. And if they gave you permission, you were allowed you kill off a few students. However, you weren't going to take the risk yet, you were smarter than that.

You looked around at the other students, watching them as they payed attention to the lesson. It was disgusting. Hero's. Mindlessly fighting against villains because it's good? Or is it all for show? When it comes down to it, what's the point of hero's? They weren't there to save your parents. All they care about is themselves, the fame and publicity. They don't actually care about the citizens lives. They just care about the reaction they get from doing so.

"Don't ignore me." Bakugou spat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"What do you want?"

"Were you not listening? We are partners."

You groaned, resting your head on your arm, "Great." You said sarcastically.

Giving you a death stare, he began to pack up his things.

"My dorm at 6. Don't be late." he said as he walked off.

It was your first day and you had already made progress, but you didn't realise how much you would actually have to put up with.

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