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Kirishima lead you back up to the group, you fiddled with your nails as the rest of them stopped. They had stopped in front of a small pizzeria, all entering one after the other - with you at the back of course.

It was Mina, Kirishima, Denki, Bakugou - and you. All sitting together on one table as friends. It was stupid, laughable.

"What kinda pizza do you like, Y/n?" The red head was practically bouncing in his seat reading over the menu he probably has memorised.

"I don't know. The normal one?"

"The normal one?" Bakugou questioned, practically mocking you.

Your bit your bottom teeth, it wasn't your fault you never got to eat pizza. The one time you did it was when Dabi brought some back to the league and offered you a slice.

"You mean margarita?" Denki butted in. There eyes were on you as you hesitated to speak, it not as if they were trying to catch you out, they were simply curious.

"What?" You responded to the unfamiliar funny sounding word.

"You idiots. Can't you tell shes never had pizza. Nerd." He muttered the last part.

"What!" Denki and Mina shouted at the same time.

You looked away from them, starting right through Bakugou.

"Don't scare her guys, she might just have strict parents." Kirishima said to the two. Bakugou was smirking at the situation before, but he knew more than them, he knew that mentioning your parents wasn't just a joke.

"Where the hell is the waiter?" He changed the conversation topic quickly before anyone else could speak. It was just small thing, anyone would do it, but, I don't know, it was nice.

He tried to do it at a time you weren't looking and checked on you, but you had the same expressionless gaze as usual. Lost in your head.

The waiter came over and took everyone's orders, you asked for the first thing you saw on the menu, the normal one as you would say.

The food came quickly and everyone started eating, so you followed. They had already finished a slice or two before you had even taken your first bite. And it was good, much better than anything you've ever tasted. Much better than the one cold slice Dabi gave you.

A small buzz was felt from your pocket, taking out your phone at an angle that the rest of the group couldn't see, the name Dabi appeared on the screen.

- don't get used to it, no more pizza when u come home.

Home. Yes, you are acting, performing a scene. You pretend to like the food, you pretend to enjoy the company, the clean bed, the clean clothes.

You shut off your phone and put it back into your pocket, your appetite no where to be found. You leaned back against the chair, picking at your nails once again.

"Was that a boyyy?" Mina singed.

Looking up, they were all looking at you, "It was no one."

"'re going red."

Maybe because you're all staring at me, you wanted to say but decided it was best not to.

"Mina just eat your pizza." Bakugou said.

"Bakugou, are you jealous?" She teased, making the other two boys snort.

"What? Why would I be jealous?" He snapped.

Confused by this whole situation, you decided it was best to just sit and pretend to listen, social interactions confused you due to the lack of them you got to experience.

Time passed and it was getting dark so you all decided to head home. You walked at the back again, you're really not good at this, you said to yourself.

Bakugou looked over his shoulder to see you walking with your eyes glued down to the ground.

"You're weird." he said, slowing down slightly to walk beside you.

"Maybe." You responded, it's true, you're different - so that makes you weird to them.

"You struggling to settle into a new school?" he asked you as if you had been to school before this.

"Mhm." you went along with it.

He couldn't read you at all, no matter how hard he tried he had no idea what you were thinking about. It made him angry, but also curious.

"You always make that face." He said.

"What face?"

"That one. Where you look like you're always thinking about something. And you never talk either."

"So are you just gonna pick at everything about me?" you said looking over to him.

He scoffed and looked forward, thinking of a way to respond. Moving your eyes from him back to the ground you felt a yawn coming.

"I'm just saying...maybe if you didn't look so gone all the time, you would actually make a friend. Not that that shit is important." He said.

"I know it's not." Your reply took him by surprise a bit. "I've never had friends because I never needed them, I've been fine on my own my whole life. I don't need anyone that will end up being a burden."

By now you had entered the ground and were close to the dorms.

"We're pretty similar if you actually think that." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "But maybe you're just saying that because no one wants to be your friend."

You stopped walking for a split second then continued, "You know nothing about me."

"Sure I know plenty, your name is Y/n L/n, you can erase memories, you suck at math and you never speak." He listed as you entered the dorms.

"Wow, plenty." You said sarcastically before walking past him, off to your dorm room to rest.

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