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Class 1A woke up, brushed their teeth, showered and got breakfast as they did every morning. Missing one person, not that they knew. No one did. The overuse of your quirk was extremely painful, and to them it felt like nothing.

They all laughed, smiled or scowled as they did the morning before and many more before that one. But now there was a black hole in their brains filling the spot that you once did.

They had their normal breakfast conversations, you could almost imagine it. Sitting on a train going nowhere, you looked out the window, praying that you could somehow use your quirk on yourself too.

You didn't even get to say goodbye.

Now, you would go back to your life of nothingness. This time, far away from the All for One and the others in the league. At least, that's what you thought, you had no idea that they were waiting for you.

After all, you had no knowledge of the tiny but crucial detail that All for One knows your exact location all the time, even without the phone he gave you.

You should of seen it coming, you were his precious weapon, of course he would put a tracker into you. What kind of psychopath wouldn't?

You got off the train when you finally arrived in Tokyo, the city seemed even damper than before. So much was happening around you, but you still felt empty.

Finding your way through the city, you walked to closest abandoned building that you could find. It was cold, empty, intimidating. But you deserved this, you caused this. Didn't you.

The floor was concrete, the walls a dark grey colour. But you didn't mind, the empty space around you was familiar but you didn't feel the same comfort you would have felt from it a few weeks prior.

It's as if the walls were talking to you, whispering words of mockery into your ears. But when you finally looked up, you realised it wasn't the walls that were speaking to you, it was the two lucent insects in front of you, clear enough to be made out of glass

The bloodless butterflies wined out, their whispers reaching your ears, but you still had no idea what they were saying.

Only was it when you looked down at your feet, you heard the words, 'Why have you given up?"

Why did you throw your humanity away to Him?

"You're strong. You never cried as a baby, you know that?"

Everything started to make sense, but when you looked back up, the two crystal butterflies were gone.

You tried your hardest to make sense of what just happened, the voices you heard, the words they spoke. Everything linked back to your parents.

But all you knew was that you couldn't give up yet, it didn't matter if they didn't recognise you or if they hated you, all you knew was that you had to save them. You couldn't let what All for One did to you, happen to them.

Within a matter of seconds, you rushed out the train door, your brain going over the various ways you could initiate this. Too focused to realise that you weren't alone, in fact, too focused to realise that you were trapped.

Outside that door waited something you never expected even after years of training. So, All for One was slightly disappointed when he was able to catch you so easily, shoving his had over your mouth, injecting something into your neck and shoving you into his car. Taking you back to the place you hated most in the world.

"You are really something." you heard his words slur through in your ears, "I didn't think you had it in you, but I guess you're still the same immature girl I found however many years ago."

Trying you hardest to stay awake, you grabbed the car seat and fought back, but failing. The drugs He injected into you were too strong, it was practically impossible for you to still be awake at this point.

You're vision went black and you felt your body fall apart, giving itself up to the drug that coursed through your veins.

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