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Mina squealed for you to sit next to her on the bus, so you unwillingly complied.

"Only if I can sit by the window." You said which she nodded to and smiled.

On the row next to you was Kirishima and Denki who she talked to the whole time and opposite you was Bakugou and Todoroki. There was a table in between you which you rested your head on in between you arms and gazed out the window.

The journey was a long and boring one, but you didn't mind it. Watching the birds was enough enjoyment for you. But, no, of course you were interrupted.

"Oh let's play truth or dare!" Mina woke you up from your daydream, you recognised this game from when you had played it once with the league after waiting for hours to infiltrate a building.

"Okay, I'll go first, someone ask me!" Kirishima said.

"Dare." Denki said.

"Haha, I dare you to slap Bakugou." Mina said before anyone else could speak.

The red head's face dropped as he looked at Bakugou who was giving him a death stare.

"No way bro. He'll kill me."

That would be interesting.

"Give me a different one."

"Okay fine." Mina said thinking for a moment before you butted in.

"I dare you snap off a fingernail." you said, their faces all dropped as they looked at you with concern. You figured they don't play it the same way as the league did. "Only joking." You giggled out a lie.

They awkwardly laughed before Denki spoke again, "I dare you to make your foot hard for the whole journey."

Kirishima sighed as he did so, complaining about how his foot would feel dead by the end of this. Next, Mina turned to you.

"Okay! Truth or dare?" she asked.

"Truth." You answered then quickly changed your mind, "No, dare."

"Na-ah, can't go back once you've said it." She singsonged, "Umm, what's the furthest you've ever gone with a guy?" Some of the boys heads popped up as the question left her mouth.

"Furthest?" you questioned.

"Yeah, like, the most you've done sexually." she said the last part more quietly and your eyes widened slightly.

"Oh...I've never..done that."

"Okay, but like have you ever kissed a guy?" she asked.

You looked at her for a moment and then around at the groups curious faces before shaking your head.

"What? How? You're like so hot." She was giggling and you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.

The boys around you glanced at your red cheeks, Bakugou especially. He has never seen you get so flustered.

"I just never got the chance?" you replied to which Mina started babbling on about something.

With your head low, your eyes locked with Bakugou's for a moment but you quickly looked away before the eye contact could deepen.

A few more questions were asked and you were beginning to get bored but soon enough you felt the bus come to a stop.

The others all got up so you followed behind, not forgetting to make a mental note of your location.

Everyone piled of the bus and walked towards the camp, it was a large building made from traditional log. Obviously it was once a house that had been converted into a training camp. When you stepped out of the bus, you noticed the air around you was cold.

Following the group, you noticed the area was well covered, tall trees that reached higher than the mansion practically covered the sky. But that didn't matter, as long as you had the phone given to you, you would be able to send your location.

"Man, I'm starving." You heard one of the hero's in training say.

"Me too!"

They all chattered as they entered the large building, admiring the interior. But you hated it, you hated large buildings, fancy interior, it reminded you of the painful evenings with-

"It's gonna be a tight squeeze with all of us staying here, I expect you all to behave yourselves." Aizawa said to the class. "Training starts tomorrow morning, we have hired catering that will feed you so get to the dining room and eat. Now."

Everyone bounced over to the dining room, you following shortly after. Your gaze remained on the pro hero, loathing everything about him.

Of course the only unoccupied seat was was the one next to Bakugou. Not surprising though.

The blonde watched you approach him, for someone who always kept to themselves, you seemed pretty confident. He kinda liked that. You were opposites in some ways and the same in other ways. Ever since you had came to him room yesterday, he had started to view you differently. And after seeing you get so flustered on the bus earlier, he was starting to realise there's a different side to you. He wanted to be the way to make that side of you come out, not those other idiots. But most of all, he wanted to understand you.

"It's cold here." he stated the obvious as you sat down.

"Mhm." you replied grabbing some food. The lack of reply you gave him an urge to say something else.

"Do you like the cold?" he was cringing at his own words.

"I'm used to it."

He mumbled an 'ok' under his breath, turning his head to look down at his plate of food.

"You must be hungry." you piped up, finally giving him something to go off.

"Yeah, the journey was long..and boring."

The small talk you were making was slightly awkward, but not too bad. For once, he was trying with you instead of just ignoring or insulting you, and you couldn't help but notice his bizarre behaviour.

As you leaned over to grab some water, he noticed that your arm fell short and quickly intercepted, grabbing the water for himself and pulling it over to him, only for the water to splash out of the top onto him.

He was about to grunt, feeling his hair stick to his forehead, but was interrupted by your laugh.

So she finds stupid shit like this funny.

You didn't even mean to laugh so abruptly and it caught the attention of some others so you quickly shut your mouth.

The blonde was staring at you, squinting his eyes showing he was annoyed and as you stared back you couldn't help but feel your lip twitch upwards slightly seeing his hair wet for the first time.

" have a little-"

"You think I don't realise?!" He interrupted you and you chuckled a bit, grabbing your napkin and rubbing his hair, making it look even worse.

He grabbed your wrist and fought back, physically and verbally.

"Stop acting like a baby." you said feeling his tight grip on your wrist.

"I'm not, you idiot, stop rubbing so damn hard."

"But you're still wet."

"That's what she said." he smirked at his own dumb joke, seeing you deadpan, dropping your hands from his hair.

"You're the idiot." You mumbled, stabbing your food and putting the fork up to your mouth.

"Huh!?" his eyes widened at your little comment and you gave him a smug smile, before taking a bite of your food.

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