Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

It's the morning of prom and the group is doing everything they can to prepare . Oz and Jim go together to get their tuxes. Jim asked him to go since he's best friend is taking his sister. The tux Jim first tried one didn't work well with Oz but the trailer loved it! Probably because it was expensive.

Since Oz knows more about manly fashion, he switched it out for a blue one that was on a mannequin. Jackie and Vicky are trying different hairstyles and dancing around Vicky's room like there's no tomorrow. They already got their dresses the week before so now it's just accessories and makeup.

Finch still hasn't found a prom date and his reputation is crushed because of Stifler. All he does now is sit on the bench outside, sulking. Kevin has his suit and he makes sure to put a condom in one of the pockets. Vicky decided, a few days ago, that she's ready for sex...and that prom's the right night for her.

That night, Jackie is finishing her hair at her house with the door open and she can hear his and Jim's conversation as their dad fixes his bowtie.

"You must be excited for the big night tonight?"

"Thrilled." Jim answers sarcastically.

He wanted to go with Nadia and after what happened on the internet, he knew no one would go with him. Michelle was his best chance tonight...hopefully.

"Who's the lucky girl?" His dad asks, smiling.

"M-Michelle." He answers, almost forgetting her name.

"Michelle?" Mr. Levenstein asks, not recognizing the name.

"Yeah." Jim stutters slightly.

"Well, she must be very special." He says, softly.

"She's special alright." The younger twin nods.

"Well, she must be special if you picked her out of the whole bunch." His father smiles.

Jim nods slightly, not wanting to tell the actual reason. Mr. Levenstein clears his throat before speaking again.

"Jim, I'm just gonna say one thing before you leave tonight. I want you to be very...very careful...when you're putting on the...corsage."

Jim thinks it over for a moment before realizing what he meant.

"Okay, dad." He smiles.

Their father smiles and hugs him. Jim hugs back and tries to pull away before it gets too awkward. Jackie smirks to herself as she watches the exchange. She gives them a few moments before speaking up.

"So...How do I look?" She asks.

They pull away from the hug and look at her. Their eyes widen at how beautiful she looks.

"Wow, sweetheart...You...Look so wonderful." Her father says, softly.

She blushes slightly. "Thanks, dad."

"Jack...Woah..." Jim stutters. "I don't think you've ever looked so pretty. You were right. You did get the better looks."

She giggles slightly at her awkward twin.

"Thanks, Jim. I just...Hope Oz likes it."

"If he doesn't, I'm kicking his ass." Jim chuckles slightly.

"I agree." Mr. Levenstein says, smiling.

"Thanks, dad." She smiles even wider.

Before another word is spoken, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it. You come down when I call you." Jim says, smiling and runs down the stairs.

She shakes her head, smiling and backs up so the wall is hiding her. Jim opens the door to see his friend standing there, looking down at the corsage nervously. He's in a normal tux, that you can tell has been dry cleaned, with a bow tie. His hair is gelled back to seem fancier even though he knows Jackie loves his hair in his face.

Slice of Pie - Chris 'Oz' OstreicherWhere stories live. Discover now