Chapter 5

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Kat's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night, i looked at trisha she was sleeping peacefully.i grabbed my phone,checked the time it was 3:26 in the freaking morning.i got up, go to the the kitchen to get/eat food ,since i didin't eat dinner,but once i got there i opened the fridge and it was completely empty UGH !!! so i closed it back.

i walk to my bed grabed my phone and 5 bucks from my wallet.wear my slippers and out the door. i walked to the vending machine,and got a fruit bar. (And eat it.)

"hey what are you doing this late at night?" someone said,rigth behind me. i jumped, I almost fell and my heart beat was soooo fast. i look to see who it was and it was matt (why is he always there ??? even if i don't need him)

"GOD! you scared the crap out of me" i said holding my chest and rubbing it a little

once i catched my breath i spoke up "I'm hungry that's why, you ?what are you doing this late at night?"

"i couldn't sleep" he said 'shortly'

"oh okay..... i should be getting back " i said

"m-kay(okay) sleep well" matt said

i walk back to my dorm and tried to twist the knob but it won't twist I tried again .... i think its lock, why is this happening??? First people think that matt and I are a thing, two I had an awful headache, three I woke up in the middle of the night, and now this Ugh!!! I tried to knock on the door but there was no answer I tried again and again but still no answer 'wow Trisha is such a heavy sleeper' I thought. so I have no choice but to ask matt if I could sleep in his room. I texted matt....(ok maybe I do need him)

"Hey matt you still up ?"i texted a few seconds later he replied

"No I'm sleeping XD" he replied

"Haha!" ( sarcastic ) "is it okay if I sleep in your room tonight ? I kinda lock my self out" I texted

"Yeah sure no prob."he replied

"Ok I'll be there in a minute "I texted

I was right in front of Matt's room ...I was about to knock when the door flew wide open and I saw matt shirt less (awkward)

"Uhh-hey !"i said awkwardly

"Come in " i walked in and found that their room (matt and Carter's) was cleaner than I thought it was " ohh and be quiet Carter's sleeping " he said

"You could sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the ground" he said

"No no I'll sleep on the ground "I said

"No I insist "he said

so I had no choice but to sleep on the bed I kinda feel bad because he's sleeping on the ground and I'm sleeping on his bed...i mean it's kinda embarrassing, I lay in the bed while matt laid on the ground (the ground has carpet) he turned off the lamp....

"Night" I said

"Night" he said(he sat up) and kissed my forehead "sleep tight" he whispered (and lay down again)


( Still Kat's P.O.V )

I woke up and I found my self not in my room ....then I remember I locked my self out last night I quickly got up and I found matt already up.eating breakfast. He saw me and

"Morning sleeping beauty "he said

"Uhh-morning" I said

"Hey I should get back " I said

"Sure"he said

I got up and put on my slippers and got out. I reached my dorm,twist the knob but it won't twist so I knocked a few seconds later Trisha opened the door ...

"Were have you been?" Trisha said with a worried face

"I kinda lock my self outside last night so...... " I walked inside "....I asked matt if I can sleep in his room"

"Wait what??? You slept in his room !" Trisha said and Her eyes widen

"No! no! its not like that, nothing happened, he slept on the ground and I slept in his bed" I said in a hurry

"Whoooo....I thought you were going too fast" Trisha said going to the bathroom .

"What?!?!? MEEE ??? Going too fast noooo!!!"I said

After Trisha got out of the shower it was my turn so I picked my outfit (for the day) I'm gonna wear a semi-long sleeve 'color blue' polo (that I'm gonna tuck-in) ,high waisted jean shorts.

once I'm done i put on my clothes , tied my hair to an extremely high ponytail (almost at the top of my head) did my make -up but today I'm feeling that I should extend my eyeliner a little bit so... I did, I did the rest of my make-up,slipped on to my black flats I few minutes later a got a text from matt that says....

"Hey you ready yet ?"

"Yeah I'm all good !" I replied

"Be there in a minute " he texted

I took a quick look in the mirror and the door flew open

"Hey yooooo !!!" Matt shouted while raising his hand up in the air ( carter was with him ) we all went to class and it was 11:56 class starts at 12:00. The day went as usual I got homework so I can't go out and hangout. once I finished them I went to sleep (class ended at 6:40pm and I finish my homework at 9:45 pm.)

End of Kat's P.O.V




Authors note :

Hey guys!!!

If you do/did like this chapter pls. Give me some love and support


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Muwwhhaaa !!!


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