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hi guys , so this is the first time that I'm making a story and this is a Matt Espinosa fanfic (this is only a short story so yeahh ... )

and yes I am a fan hahaha I HOPE YOU LIKE IT

Remember this is only a fanfic and this story is not true, Katherine a.k.a Kat is just a character and everyone in this story except for the Magcon boys /matt and carter.

(i know that you think a 12 year old kid wrote this XD but im not good with writing stuff . im just trying new things)

~~~getting ready~~~

"ummm.... hi my name is katherine but you can call me kat,im 16 years of age , i live in LA, I'm a bookworm ,music is my life,


and im at collage. today is just a great day, guess what moving to collage wow! thats just great


to be honest im not sure about it
not at all.

well i just hope it goes just as plan

even though I dont have a plan

I'm done getting dressed and applying a bit of make up, like mascara,eyeliner and lip balm to keep my lips moisturized. 

im wearing a simple color blue "be happy " t-shirt that my aunt gave me and cyan colored jeans ,pair of vans and a black Beanie

"KAT !HONEY!" ,my mom shouted from the kitchen , "come on, we have to go we'll be stuck on traffic"

"YES !mom ill be right down i  just finished  getting dressed "

"ok,come down here when you're ready  "

I started running down the stairs and missed a step .

"fuck, i almost died "i was breathing heavily.

"watch you're mouth young your breakfast "


"ok, rules,no partying OR going to clubs"

"moooomm! "i whined

"no drinking, no breaking any campus rules, always call or text, always focus on you're studies AND NO BOYFRIENDS! understood?" she said firmly

i rolled my eyes

"Yeah yeah yeah! I got it"

"make sure you have all you're things that you will be needing"

I checked everything ,my

suitcases,penny board, shoulder bag,

"Ok I am 99.9 percent sure that I have all my stuff "

I load my suitcase and penny board at the back(trunk) of the car and sat in the passenger seat .

while driving to school there is a heavy traffic


I guess all the students are trying to get pass it hahaha , then my mom finally broke the silence .

" Kat,honey I just want to say that even though you are a young independent woman now , you will always be my baby girl and i will always be here no matter what ok " then she finally started tearing up

"mom you don't have to be so dramatic you know I'll visit you and Zac when spring break comes , I promise"

Zac is her younger brother. He left the house early for school

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