A bird in cage (Hizashi x [M] Reader)

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THE ART IS NOT MINE, CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST, and this was requested by hyuga_hiashi And this chapter might be short who knows, maybe it will be longer and i haave zero clue how to do this oneshot so let's see what crap I make this time, and i don't really know how to portrait Hizashi so yeah if its bad I'll give you all a pass to ragdoll me about this one-shot. So with that being said, on with the chapter!》

{Y/N's POV}

As I'm walking towards the Hyuga Compound, my wonderful boyfriend Hizashi of three months is trying to calm me down, why you may ask? Well, since Hizashi thought since we haven't had a date in a while, this would be a wonderful opportunity to meet his parents and brother over dinner! I originally thought this was some sort of a bad joke since I'm very scared of his family, but can you blame me? Their the leader of his clan, and not to mention one of the oldest and strongest clans to walk this earth, and he wonders why I'm a bit worried? I mean I don't want to make a wrong first impression- "(Y/N) your spacing out again, don't worry, their gonna love you." Hizashi said reassuring me "Thanksal r ight Hizashi-Kun, I needed that, but on the other hand what if I say something that offends them-" I say letting my mind run amuk

"(Y/N), your spiraling again. Don't worry, what's gonna go wrong with dinner?" Hizashi ask looking at me with soften kind eyes "Well Hizashi I can think about ten different ways tonight could go wrong so my question is, are you challenging me?" I asked with obvious doubt in my eyes "You know this night isnt avoidable, your still going to have to meet my family sooner or later, I thought you knew this" He said lightly gripping my hand and with every step walking towards the Hyuga Compound

"Yeah I know, I'm just really looking forwards to this night being over quickly" I say dreading of what might come in at dinner "Wow you really hate me hate much?" Hizashi said faking a hurt expression with his hand over his heart  "If I 'hated' you then why would I be dating you?" I said putting air quotes around hated, we chuckled and stepped towards the door, I took a shaky breath and knocked

[TIME SKIP TO AFTER DINNER! The following timeskip is brought to by chili Hizashi-Kun!]

{Y/N's POV}

So after dinner went....Surprising really well. Wait are you wondering why I said "So after dinner went surprising well" ? Well I thought of ten different this night would turn out and this was obviously not one of them! Anyways, I thanked his family for letting me come over, and as they went inside I gave Hizashi a peck on the cheek. "Alright I'm going to go, now goodnight Hizashi-Kun!" I said turning away from his house but he stopped me. "Wait, let me walk you home." Hizashi said grabbing  my wrist, so I agreed and we starded walking. "So why did you want to walk me home?" I asked and he responded "Well, I'm a gentleman, so it isn't very gentleman - like to leave a date walking home by themselves."

I just nodded and we continued walking home.

{567 words Ok everyone, was that ok? Somewhat decent? This was aren't hard one shot to do, so if you all have feedback I would love to hear it! And you also know how I said that after this one shot is complete I would take a little break? Yeah that isn't happening, Wattpad was the only thing keeping me sane during quarantine and now I'm just addicted to it. Well, it is what is. Well have a good new years or new years day, and I will see you in the next omeshot!}

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