My own puppet (Sasori x [M] reader)

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THE ART IS NOT MINE, CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST! And also, thank you suna_supremacy for the idea :> I love Sasori, but never made a oneshot for him. Well that is going to change dear readers! And, we're gonna do something a bit different in these oneshots. I don't know what type of shinobi you would be (Like sensory and that stuff) so when it talks about you being a shinobi, it will say (S/T) for shinobi type. And instead of (Y/N), we will use (M/n), and maybe you all can choose in the comments which one you like? Anyways, enough of me rambling. On with the oneshot!

"Yo Sasori!" The (S/T) male busted into my workshop. Doesn't this brat know how to knock? He's in the Akatsuki, a literal group of S ranked criminals, so he should have some common sense? However the other brat, Deidara, thinks that his art is superior to mine so I would say there are dumber people in the Akatsuki than (M/N).

However I don't scream at him, I would say I treat him differently than the other members or other people in general. I'm not soft.....But you could suppose I make an exception for (M/N). Its odd, he could annoy me to death, but I would still like to have him around "---Sasori, did you listen at all to what I said?" The (H/C) male puffed out air, it was obvious that he was upset. I shook my head sideways, indicating that I wasn't listening at all. The male sighed at restarted over what he said before.

"I was asking to see if I could watch you make your puppets." I barely heard him that second time. I got lost in his piecing (E/C) eyes, his gorgeous voice was soft as silk when he talked. How could this wonderful man, become a horrible criminal?

"Fine, no touching. This isn't just a puppet to toy with, it's going to be used in battle. It's an art, I just wished everyone saw it like I do." I mumbled the last part quietly, the (H/C) boy ran to grab a chair from the corner of the room and hurried back, eagerly watching me to start my work. I added the last touches to the puppet, It almost looked like (M/N) if you looked at it hard enough.

After about three hours of 'working on puppets', Well I say it like that because we mostly didn't do what we planned to do. What was going to happen is that is that (M/N) would watch me silently make puppets. But what really happened is that (M/N) started up a conversation, being the person he is, I expected it. It got to the point where I stopped working on my puppets just to talk to him, but I wasn't bothered by that. I enjoy talking to there (H/C) male. Hidan and Deidara tells me I "Love (M/N)" but I don't believe in that. I just really.....enjoy the males company......Alright fine, maybe I love (M/N). If that gets to Deidara and Hidan, I'm done for. Even though I can most likely take both of them down, I still wouldn't like to gamble that chance.

"(M/N), I have a question for you." As soon as I said that, the males attention was directly focused on me. I assume he was listening so I continued "Have you been hearing those rumors? The ones that falsely state that I....romantic like you?" I trailed off, this isn't exactly what I had in mind but it will work for the mean time.

"Oh yeah, from Deidara and Hidan. I don't much believe that you do but I shouldn't, it's just rumors. Gossip, the tea, the chitter chatter, the scuttlebutt. Whatever you want to call it, it's just that. Gossip." (M/N) waved his hands around for a dramatic flare

"Well what if it wasn't 'just rumors?" I questioned the male who probably wasn't even listening to a word I said "What happened if I had a romantic interest in you? What would you do then?" I glanced over at the (E/C) shinobi who looked somewhat in distraught

"Well, I don't exactly know Sasori. I prefer not to think about it, because we could die at any moment. So love isn't really an option for anyone of us, ya know?" (M/N) sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his neck. I'm sure it was just a lie of what he said, even though he isn't wrong.

"Hm, you seem to slightly panic when I bring those topics up. What's wrong (M/N)?" I replied to the male, I most likely caught him off-guard. Which I guess I'll just roll with the punches, since I don't have much of a plan.

"Its nothing Sasori, please drop it." (M/N) shot me a glare with his tone hardening. This isn't much like him, it's like he did a whole personality switch. It's frankly interesting, I shouldn't take this too far. But I will, it's interesting to see him like this.

"If its nothing, you shouldn't be hiding it from me." I smirked "Come on (M/N) just tell me already, your acting like that brat Deidara." I always thought (M/N) had a thing for the brat, I mean he hangs out with him so much! He has to have a thing for him, it's just common sense.

"Fine then, I'll be blunt. I like you, like on a scale from one - ten" (M/N) paused, thinking about what he would say next "I would say eighteen, sounds about right."

"Hm, well. I assume if it comes down to that, I suppose your a six for me." I hummed in agreement, the (E/C) male grabbed my hand and layed his head on my shoulder.

"Thats all I get? Eh, I'll take it for now. It far better than being a three." He chuckled. So uhm, this means we're dating now. This is.....alright, it's better than what I expected. I like it.

{ACK THIS IS FINALLY FINISHED WITH A TOTAL OF 1005 WORDS! AWE HECK YEAH! Anyways, thank you for reading. Please add this to your library, vote, and comment what you want next! Anyways, see you in the next chapter!}

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