2- Tears

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A brunette boy appeared through the nether portal with a wide grin on his face and a spring in his step. He was excited to see his best friend, despite Tommy having griefed and robbed someone else's house, Tubbo still missed him greatly. He reminisced on the time they would spend together, listening to music or just chatting on Tommy's old bench. Tubbo wanted Tommy to come home, and today he would tell his friend about his plans to negotiate his return with dream. Tubbo couldn't wait to see him.

The boy hopped off of the portal stand, the nightly chill dusting his oversized, official looking suit. He peered around the area, spotting Tnret and gleefully hopping off towards the cosy looking confines. He poked his little head around the side of the tent, and on realising his friend wasn't inside, let out a disappointed "Oh.".

Tommy was usually in his tent, either writing or sleeping, as it was all he seemed to do these days. Tubbo brought a hand up to his chin and stroked it as he pondered where his friend might be.

In the dim light, Tubbo could make out a pillar reaching relatively high up. This confused him for a moment, Tommy usually made his cobblestone towers a lot bigger and wider than that. Tubbo spotted a figure at the top of the tower. It must be Tommy! Why was he building a tower so late at night? The brown haired boy's confusion was momentary, he then began running towards the base of the pillar, ready to meet his old friend once he had gotten down.

Tubbo stopped running.

The figure at the top of the pillar stood up and got close to the edge. It fell.

In what felt like hours of dread, the boy watched as the figure plummeted. He lost sight of the figure just as it passed the highest tree line.

He fell to his knees.

Dread rose and formed a lump in his throat. Tubbo stared, paralysed by shock.

He let out a muffled squeak as his eyes welled and rivers of tears begun to fall. Focusing on where he last saw the figure, the boy's eyes stared wide.

He couldn't process what he had just seen.

Tommy couldn't have.

Tommy wouldn't have.

Tommy would never just leave him.

Surely not.


Tubbo had just watched him do so.

The brunette brought his hands up to his chest and clutched his small body tightly, letting out a shrill wail of despair.

Tears fell.

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