3- Interlude

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A tall man wearing a hoodie appeared out of the portal. In the relative darkness, he noticed a boy kneeling on the ground, letting out sniffles as tears carved their way down the little boy's cheeks. The man stepped away from the portal frame, unparalleled confidence radiated from each step. Carefree hands lazily placed in the hoodie pocket, the man approached the sobbing boy.

The boy jumped. The man had placed a cool hand on the boys back, rubbing the fabric of his suit gently in an attempt to soothe the boy. He felt the boy tense up under his touch.

Without a word, the man placed an arm around the sobbing brunette's shoulders and gently picked him up from the ground. The boy leaned on the man as he lead the child towards the portal, taking slow steps as to let the boy keep up.

Gently pushing the boy through the portal, the masked hoodie wearer glanced towards the tower which the brunette had been staring at. He knew what Tubbo had seen. A smile grew underneath a mask depicting the same expression.

The man walked through the portal, whooshing noises preceded his departure.

By a tuft of grass, a small shiny metal object lay, tattered and scratched. Purple enchantments swirled across its surface and the words 'Your Tommy' were etched on to its front.

The arrow at the centre of the object moved to the right a little.

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