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My eyes shoot open as my ankle erupts in pain. I cry out, looking at my twisted, bloody ankle. "Oh bloody helllll" I moan in pain. Then, I notice I'm in a box! A metal one, and it was moving upwards very fast. Suddenly, it hit me! I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING!! I start to panic and feel bile rise up in my throat. I cough it up with a little bit of blood. I had cuts and bruises everyones on me and my forehead was bleeding. I had no clue where I was going or why I was in here. I look around and take note of my surrondings. Every so often, lights would flash past as the box countiues upwards. There was crates in here with me, all labelled "WCKED". After I take note of my surroundings, I strain my brain to rememeber anything. I was dripping in sweat yet cold air blows past me. I grasp the edge of a word. It slowly comes to me... "Y/N! My names Y/N!" I shout excitedly, jumping up to celebrate only to collapse back down in pain. I forgot about my ankle for a moment there. I try to figure out my outfit in the half darkness. (Pretend they have nice hair styles and outfits but they are really dirty) It kinda looked like...

 (Pretend they have nice hair styles and outfits but they are really dirty) It kinda looked like

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My long Y/H/C hair was pulled into two tight braids on my head

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My long Y/H/C hair was pulled into two tight braids on my head. I had no clue what color my eyes were though. I start to remember water. But, only how it looked not tasted. Oh how thirsty and hungry I was! I started to wonder where this box was going to. I look up to see the box heading full speed towards a red light and I scream out "HELP! SOMEONE! I'M GONNA CRASH!" I was only met with the returning roar of the box. It shifts slightly to the left and stops just inches from the light. I peek one eye open as the light turns green and then goes dark. I curl into a tight ball, trying to make myself disappear in the corner of the box when I hear muffled footsteps and low voices above me. I stay curled up, shaking in fear. The top opens and allowed light to enter the box, shining right on me. I peep one eye open and I'm met with atleast 30 boys staring back down at me. "Bloody Hell, it's a girl!" A tall, skinny, sandy blone haired boy states. As he says that, I wonder where the girls are at. The boy hops down to me and outstretched his hand. I shove my head further into my arms, scared that they might hurt me. "The names Newt! And who might you be love?" He cheerfully asked. I blushed when he called me love. Newt. That name sounded familiar. An image of a little blonde boy and I in a white room flashed through my head but, it left as quickly as it came. I sit up slowly, he had an accent just like me. I realized there was no girls. I took his hand and when he touched my hand, it felt like it had happened before. As soon as he lifted me out of the box, I quietly told him my name, eyeing the other boys suspiciously. "My names Y/N." I whisper to him. He nodds. I turn in a circle in awe, staring at the tall stone walls surrounding us. A dark haired, dark skinned boy appears infront of me and I shuffle behind Newt, scared. "Hey Greenie, the names Alby, pleasure to meet you, welcome to the glade.." he pauses "Y/N, her names Y/N." Newt inputs. "Thanks Newt." I gratefully whisper his ears. He nodds and smiles in return. Alby outstretches his hand and I politely shake it. "Anyways, why don't I get you started on your tour?" He claps his hands, letting dust fall to the ground. A dark skinned boy, covered head to toe in flour appears. "Actually, I need you help cleaning up a mess Winston made." The boy tells Alby. "Welp, guess Frypan needs help, Newt can take you then!" He gestures to Frypan and Newt. I nodd and Newt takes my hand, beginning my tour of the glade!

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