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We have been on this bus for a while and it's pretty dark outside but one thing that I am enjoying about this a little bit is that Isaac has not left my side since we go on the bus. He sat next to me and he hasn't let go of my hand, I don't know what I'm feeling, it's like I'm torn between Peter and Isaac but I barely know either of them but I'm just going to try to take my mind of all this because it's definately not the time to get into relationships with all the sacrfices and the Alphas going around, I just can't seem to balance life anymore let alone the supernatural. We are currently standing outside of the bus and I'm starring at what seems to be a motel but it's more like a roach motel. In big florescent coloured sign it reads Motel Glen Capri.

"I've seen worse" I hear Scott say

"Where have you seen worse?" My brother asks him but coach blows the whistle. I swear I'm going to throw that whistle out when I get the chance to

"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the least vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves" Coach starts and I groan, but I feel Isaac throw his arm around my shoulders bringing my into his side which was very unexpected "You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely and I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hand to your dirty little selves"

"Yeah, Isaac" I say and remove myself from him

"Yo! Nicky!" I hear Stiles calling my name and I walk towards him

"What?" I ask

"Who you rooming with?" He asks and I look behind me at Isaac who is smiling "Oh hell no, are you forgetting he injured you?"

"It was a mistake" I say

"Well I don't trust him around you" Stiles says taking a glance behind me at Isaac

"Listen, I maybe your little sister... by four minutes but I swear nothing is going to happen, okay. I'm only staying with him so I can keep an eye on him, I promise you can even check up on me every five minutes, if you have to" I tell him and he sighs then I go over Isaac who has got a key in his hand. Isaac is literally so clingy like he has been on me for the last few hours and it is kind of cute that he wants to share a room with me, but I'm not letting anything happen between us tonight, abosolutely nothing.


I was having a little bit of a shower to try and get my mind off things, I'm even washing my hair but all i could possibly think about is the freaking sacrifices. I mean anyone of us could be next and we wouldn't even know because we don't know how this Darach is working. I honestly hate waiting for things to happen, especially if it's like a scary movie, when you know the killer is outside and you are hiding but the killer manages to find his way into the house and then they kill you, and it's always when you facing backwards, never when you're looking at them in the eye.

I'm almost about done in the shower when I feel a cold breeze hit my legs and when I turn around I see Isaac standing there, almost seeing me naked but luckily I covered with the shower curtain.

"Isaac, what are you doing?" I ask with a little laugh

"Watching you" He says and I go wide eyed

"Well if you haven't noticed, I'm kind of in the nude" I say and he is just looking at me, it's actually making me really scared

"Why are you afraid?" He asks and I swallow

"Because you're freaking me out" I tell him gripping onto the shower curtain tight

"You don't have to be" He says and places his hand on my hand that's holding the curtain

"Isaac stop" I say and try to get his hand off me

"No one will never know, not even Stiles" He whispers, reaching his hand up to my hand which is covering my boob

"Isaac" I say and he let's go of me then looks up "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just- Nothing" He says and walks away. What just happened? Is he crazy, I mean I get he's the clingy type but that was a little too extreme and I didn't like it that much. It's almost like he was forcing me to do something that I really didn't want to do, but out of all this the worst thing was he almost saw me completely butt naked. Why would he even come into the bathroom, like seriously it was occupied, like, girls need their privacy too.


As I was drying my hair, my phone beeped and as I went to check it I realised Isaac isn't here. I mean after the way he acted you would assume he woul dbe here to talk about it, but no he vanished without nay explaination. I pick up my phone reading the text.

We have to talk. Just you.

I dropped the towel and I raced down to Lydia and Allison's room and I open the door to see Stiles is here as well. "What's going on?" I ask

"Something's wrong with Scott" Allison says

I look at her "What do you mean?" I ask

"Last time I saw Scott act like that was during the full moon" Allison says rubbing her wrist

"Yeah, I know. He was definitley a little off with me, too. But it was actually Boyd who was really off, I watched him put his fist through the vending machine" Stiles says

"Wait, Isaac was strange as well. He walked in on me in the shower, talking about no one will ever know about us but before that he started changing chanels on the TV" I say and I look over at Stiles who's eyes are wide

"What's wrong with changing chanels on a TV?" Allison asks

"They were all static" I say and they all make 'O' shaped faces

"See, it is the motel. Either we need to get out of here right now or someone needs to learn how to do an excorcism ASAP before the werwolves go crazy and kill us" Lydia says pulling a bible out of the draw

"Okay, just hold on, alright?" What is it's not just the hotel?" Stiles begins "The number in the office went up by three, right?"

"You mean like three sacrfices?" I ask

"What is this time it's three werwolves?" Stiles asks

"Scott, Isaac and Boyd" Allison says

"Maybe we were meant to come here" Stiles says

"Exactly! So can we get the hell out of here now?" Lydia asks and I look at her bible she is still holding with pages sricking out of it "Please?"

"Let me see this" I ask and grab the bible from her opening it and removes one of the pieces of paper sticking out of it

"What is that?" Allison asks as we examine the new article

"28-year-old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri" I say and place it down of the bed then I empty the whole bible out and articles are just landing on the bed

"No. Look at these two. They both mention the room 217" Lydia says "These are probaby all the suicides that happened in this room"

"So if every room has a bible..." Allison asks

"There could be articles in all the rooms" I say

"That's a beautiful thing. Most places leave a mint under the pillow, this one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occured" Stiles says and we all sigh

"What if the room next store has the one about the couple?" Lydia asks and we look at her then at the door


Hey Guys, I know I've been gone for ages but there have been some personal issues happening with me and I just haven't had time to update and edit my stuff. Anyway, here is chapter eight and I also updated Heaven Lost An Angel so feel free to go check that out and I am also excited for Season 5 because it looks so good but no Derek. Poo.

(Thanks for the 2k reads)



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