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Nicole's POV:

I've been sitting in my dad's office for the past two days. I haven't slept much, I've practically been staying at the police department. I sat in my dad's chair, my knees are up to my chest, as I place my chin on them, and my hands around my legs with no shoes on, only socks and his police jacket covers me. Lately I've been cold, extremely cold. I think it has to do with the fact that I am no longer a werewolf who can keep themselves warm without even having to try. Yes, I was a werewolf for like two seconds, but I learnt how to live with myself. Now I have to live with being an Empathetic, I don't even know how to use these powers. Anyway, since my death Peter hasn't stopped calling me, I just turned off my phone because I don't want to talk to anyone. Since Stiles has been missing for 48 hours, I didn't go to school and like I said before I haven't really left the police station, well I haven't left the station at all. I hear the door of my dad's office creek open and I see Deputy Parrish.

"Hey, there's a Peter on the line. He says he needs to speak with you" Parrish says and I sigh

"Tell him I'm sleeping and you don't want to wake me" I tell him and he nods. I really don't want to speak to anyone, espescially not Peter. He thinks that me dying, had something to do with him, but it didn't. Not at all. Soon enough Parrish comes back into my dad's office, closing the door behind him and sitting in the chair across from me

"Are you okay?" He asks me leaning on the table "I heard you died"

"I don't want to talk about it" I tell him shaking my head "By the way, when did you hear that?"

"Well, your dad is the Sheriff and word spreads a lot in this station and he also told me to check up on you while he's out looking for your brother. So until you tell me what is wrong, I'm going to sit here" He says and I smile just a little bit

"Why do bad things happen to us?" I ask him

"Excuse me?" He asks not really sure how to answer this question I just gave him

"Why do we get punished?" I ask him in a better way

"I'm not really sure, but I'm guessing it's because maybe sometimes we deserve to be" He says and I nod knowing he doesn't really have an answer. I look up at him starring at me and I don't know why but I know what he is feeling. As he looks at me I can sense his heartbreak and sympathy.

"What do you see when you look at me?" I ask him with a small smile

"What do I see?" He asks me to confirm

"Yeah, 'cause I know a lot of people who see me as a scared and not able to take care of myself, kind of girl. They think I'm a mess and they like to keep secrets from me" I tell him and he shakes his head

"You are definitely not a mess. You seem like a brave and beautiful young girl, who can take care of herself" He tells me and I smile

"You know, you should be, like, a side Sheriff. Co-Sheriff Jordan Parrish" I tell him and he laughs

"That would be good. I don't mean to me nosy, but is Peter one of those people, who thinks of you like that?" Parrish asks me and I sigh

"Well, he does most of the time" I tell him with a sigh and a shake of my head

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jordan asks "Because if he is he sounds a lot older than you... A lot older than me actually"

"No he's just my friend, a really close friend" I tell him and he smiles

"Don't worry they'll find your brother, just have some faith" He tells me as he gets up off the chair going for the door

"Thanks... P-dog" I tell him with a smile and he chuckles, walking out the office

I look down at the desk, to my right I see my phone. I switch on my yellow Nokia lumia 1520. As soon as I get to my lock screen, which has a pic of Scott, Stiles and I, messages and notifications just start pouring in. Every two seconds there is a new message. I really can't be bothered texting anyone back, but one message in particular caught my eye. It's from Lydia and she seems like she's in a bit of a hurry to get hold of me considering the 33 missed calls and 17 text messages she has left me. Pull together Lydia, damn.

Come to Derek's loft at 5:30pm - Lydia

I look up at the clock and it's already 5:30pm. Ugh, what does she need from Derek's loft? I hope it's important and she's not just going there to chill or something because that would be so stupid. I open my front camera and check myself before I leave the station. I cock my head back when I see the bags under my eyes and my hair has become a hot mess. I had it curly two days ago, but now it's just flat and a bit wavy. I wipe my eyes because it's mainly make up causing this look of pure hideousness. I get up from the chair, slipping on my converse and putting my hair behind my ears. I walk towards the door opening it slowly and looking around. I step out closing the door, most people are out looking for Stiles and others are dealing with smaller cases.

"Nicole?" I hear behind me and I turn around on my heels, I look up and see Derek. He's sitting on a chair with handcuffs on. I'm confused, what is Derek doing here? I look beside him and see Allison's father.

I walk over to him, kneeling in front of him. "What are you doing here?" I ask him

"It's an extremely long story, but where are you going?" Derek asks me and I bite my lip.

"I'm heading to the loft, don't tell anyone I'm leaving and stay strong" I tell him and he furrows his eyebrows. "Lydia needs me" I say and I stand up, I pat his shoulder as I say "Good luck" I run out of there as fast as I can. I don't have my car here, so I guess I'm taking the bus.


I get off the bus at the stop which is across from Derek's loft. People were giving me weird looks, I guess they were wondering why I am wearing a police jacket, looking like a mess. Wait, if Derek is at the Police station, what are Lydia and Allison doing here? I guess I'm about to find as I walk up the steps of the building, finally reaching Derek's door and I see Lydia and Allison. They both turn to me and they have a look of saddness on their faces.

"Are you okay?" They both ask at the same time

"I'll be fine, what are we doing here?" I ask them

"Talking to Peter" Allison says and folds her arms

"I'm going home" I tell them and as I turn around

"Wait, I thought you and Peter are like a thing" Lydia says and I sigh

"Guys, he thinks it's his fault why I died and I keep telling him it's not. But you know Peter" I tell them and they both have these looks on their faces, like, they blame Peter for everything. "He didn't kill me, he would never hurt me. Well, have fun" I say and try to walk away but Lydia stops me.

"Come on guys, I need his help and he is the only one offering help. So could you do this for me?" Lydia asks as I try to remove myself from her grip and I give up

"Fine" I say and throw my hands up in the air.

"Sure" Allison says and then Lydia swings the door open. I don't think he can see as I am standing behind the wall

"The hunter and the Banshee. Ladies, do come in" I hear him say and I roll my eyes.


BAM WHAT! Back at it again with a fresh chapter and I'm so happy like you have no idea how I just want to get season 4 started like the waiting is killing me slowly, but I so ready so here's your boring short chapter. Ily tho <3


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