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I didn't know where I was going, but I ended up at Derek's loft. I got out my car, and walked up the steps which didn't take long at all. I don't even know what I'm wearing but it's really... Short and skimpy? I open the door to the loft and letting is go with a bang. I don't know why I am here or why I am even doing all this but it seems like I have a lot of ambition and motive to be hear, an a lot of energy. I walk down the few bits of steps and that's when I feel a presence behind me. That scent. It's all too familiar.

"Nicole, what are you doing here? And what are you wearing?" I hear him asks and I turn around, looking at him in the eyes with a smirk. I push him against the wall and rip his shirt off

"Shut up" I tell him and I smash my lips to his, pulling on his now ripped shirt and work my hands up to the back of his neck, I feel his hands move to my back, down to my thighs, bringing me up by squeezing my thighs and I jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist. I feel him move his hands onto my butt, giving it a little squeeze and squirm. He starts walking towards the bed and he throws me down onto it. I start to kiss his neck and he lets out a moan, I look up at him and smile. He starts removing my shirt from body, sliding it off with ease and I bring him in again. I kiss him and as our lips move together, he licks my bottom lip with his tongue and I glady open my mouth allowing him entrance.

He remove himself from me and starts kissing down my body. I moan and grab a handful of soft hair. I want everyday to be like this, but I don't think he wants like this for the rest of his life, after all he is twice my age, who knows he might want to start a family soon and I know that's something I can't give him until I'm over the age of 18.

As he's kissing my body, he takes off his pants and I moan, over and over and over. Eventually, he slides himself into me making me scream out in pleasure as he rocks me, making me moan and scream with every bit of power I have in myself.

"Oh Peter! Don't stop!" I moan and I wrap my arms around his neck as his forehead is pressed against mine.

"Nicole!" He tells me but his voice is starting to sound like Scott and I don't open my eyes "Nicole! NICOLE!"

I quickly sit up, breathing heavily and I look up to see Stiles and Scott hovering over me, and I give them a small and confused smile. They are both giving me a look of 'What in the hell were you dreaming about?' This is when I know I as dead as ever, Scott's going to chew my head off about this and when Peter gets back I'm sure Stiles is going to try and kill him.

"'Oh Peter! Don't stop!' What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Stiles asks me with wide eyes and arms crossed

"What are you guys doing in here?" I ask them totally ignoring Stiles' question, actually I'm terrified to even answer that question

"Forget that, okay? We're going to find a dead body" Scott tells me and I go back under the covers


I reallty didn't have a choice in finding this dead body because I'm in the preserve with the two idiots, that wouldn't stop talking about the dream they heard which had Peter's name in it. I told them it was just a one time thing and I have no idea why I would even have a dream like that, then Stiles told me that if he even tried to touch me, he would find some wolfsbane, sprinkle mistletoe, roll it in mountain ash and shove it right up Peter's werewolf ass. I thought he was being very creative and... Discriptive but he's Stiles, he doesn't have a the courage to hurt a fly. They also told me about how a young girl named Malia Tate and her family died in a car crash, Mr Tate wasn't in it but his younger daughter and wife were found dead, but they never found Malia's body.

"You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet" Stiles tells us as we walk through the woods

"I know" Scott says following the map on his phone along with the flashlight

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that" Stiles says and I chuckle

"Yeah. Me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore" Scott says and we walk around a tree then over some logs and branches. We hear a sudden howling in the distance and Stiles jumps on me, making me bump Scott. We watch as his phone falls from the top of the hill and into a puddle. I soon turn to Stiles and give him a glare as Scott does the same

"Sorry, buddy" Stiles tells him and I shake my head as we try to retrive Scott's phone "I hate coyotes. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless animal.

"Stil works" Scott says as he looks at his phone

"Let me see the flashlight?" Stiles asks and grabs it from Scott

"What is it?" I ask and he shines the light on something

"I think we found it" Stiles says and we follow him over to a wrecked car

"Why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" Scott asks

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out" I tell him as Stiles walks over to the car

"Look at this" He says and shines the light on what appears to be slash marks "See those? Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer"

"Then it was a werewolf" Scott says

"So, my dad was right" Stiles says and he gets down, he starts looking around in the car

"What is that?" Scott asks pointing to something suspicious, Stiles pulls it out and it turns out to be doll with a big baby head.

"I'm hungry" The doll says and we all scream as Stiles falls back

"I think I just had a minor heart attack" Stiles says and I glare at him. Soon enough I start too hear growling and it's getting pretty loud

"Hey, guys. Please tell me you see that " Scott says and I turn around seeing to ice blue glowing eyes

"We see it" Stiles says and I start to chase after it

"Nicole!" I hear Scott yell, but I'm already gone. I dodging every tree, every log, bush, branch on the floor as I run after this coyote. I feel Scott's presence behind me and I run even faster, I don't know why Scott feels the need to try and protect me, but I can handle myself. I've come to a certain point where I can't run anymore considering the coyote has made it to the other side of the preserve where I'm too scared to jump to, but Scott does and he makes it. I smile to myself and I watch him look the coyote in the eyes, watching them change to an icey blue

"Malia?" I hear Scott gasp and I freeze watching the coyote run away. Did Scott just say Malia though? Is Malia in the coyote's body? What does this mean?

Double updates!!!!! This chapter is a little raunchy and fun. I know it's also short which is why I updated and I'm trying to make up for it. Thanks for reading.


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