Seventeen: Hottie Vs Nottie

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This whole Deadpool situation really grinds my gears, so when I find the person who invented this thing they are going to be in so much pain when I'm finished with them. I mean everything is just falling apart and I hate it, I hate it with a pure passion. I'm with Stiles and Lydia, were at the Sheriff's station and we are trying to tell my dad that Lydia's grandmother, Lorraine Martin could possibly be alive. When we walked into the station I didn't see P-dog and I was kind of bummed, maybe he went home for the day or something, meh? "It's not just that she could still be alive" Stiles says as we walk into my dad's office.

I watched as my dad crossed his arms and turned around, "It's that she would've had to fake her death" Lydia says.

"Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" My dad asks and I cringe.

Stiles nods as he says, "Definitely" I give him a little glare, "Maybe" He corrects himself. "It's more than likely, yes" He adds.

"Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?" My dad asks and I nod in response.

I push my hair back as I say, "She might be helping the Benefactor" My dad nods as he goes to close the door.

"That sounds like a story worth hearing" He says. But then he opens the door again, asking "Has anybody seen Parrish? Haigh?" He asks and I see Haigh shake his head.

I've been pushing away the whole supernatural side of myself away, I haven't used my powers in a few days. I know this is completely off the subject but standing in this room just reminded me of the time when Stiles disappeared. "You know-" I begin but then cut myself off when I stumble back a bit, Stiles caught me before I fell on my face. "Whoa, did anyone feel that?" I ask them and they all shake their heads, "I literally felt like death or something pushed me" I say and my dad raises an eyebrow, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm more than just an Empathetic."

"Yeah, Nicole has this weird supernatural force field or whatever it is, like, it literally tells her when death is a upon her." Stiles adds.

"Don't forget about the healing and how it literally protects me." I tell my Stiles. Then I stumble again, "Seriously! What is that? I literally felt like someone is pushing me, towards what? I don't know" I say and I look around.

My dad doesn't know what is happening, "You want to sit down?" He asks me and I do, but then I get pushed back up. "Um, what was that?" He asks and I shrug. Then there was a loud bang, I look behind my dad and see Parrish, naked and dirty! Fighting Haigh.

"Dad!" I yell and point to the drama. I watch as my dad busts open the door, pulling out his gun and pointing it at the two men rolling around on the floor. It's practically hottie verse nottie. I hear my dad yell stuff, then a gun shot goes off and Lydia screams. I watch my dad fall to the ground and I run to his side while I hold his shoulder. Parrish is on top of Haigh and is beating the living crap out of him. I watch as he hits him over and over and over. When Haigh become unconscious, Parrish was breathing heavily. What the hell happened?


I with Stiles and my dad who is currently laying in a hospital bed. Turns out, Haigh tried to kill Parrish by setting him on fire. Somehow, Parrish survived it and was hell pissed which ended up with my dad getting shot in the shoulder. Things are getting out of hand and now Haigh somehow got his hands on the deadpool, like how easy is it to get this thing? I'm also starting to wonder if it's just assassins or can anyone kill us and get the money. I'm worried because I might die and I have no idea what I am. I sat next to my dad on the bed and watched as he read over the hospital forms, he's stressed. "Alright, Mr Stilinski" Dr Vandenberg says, but Stiles cuts him off.

"Sheriff" Stiles corrects and I nod.

The doctor seemed a little bit confused and I raise an eyebrow, "Sheriff Stilinski. I've got you scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning" Dr Vandenberg says and I look at my dad, his face has pain written all over it. "Unfortunately, it's going to take a little digging to get that slug out of your shoulder"

"Yeah, that's fine." My dad says and as the Doctor is about to leave, my dad calls his back. "One more. What's this part here?" My dad asks.

I move out of the way so the Doctor can see what my dad is talking about, "Patient responsibility. Parts of the procedure and hospital stay not covered by insurance." The doctor says and I look at my dad.

"Are those big parts? Expensive parts?" My dad asks.

Shaking his head, the doctor says "That's between you and your insurance unfortunately" I look at Stiles, he's a little sad and I hold his hand. "You should start feeling the morphine in a minute. Try to get some rest Mr- Sheriff" He says and then leaves the room.

"Hey, stop that." My dad says and looks at me holding Stiles' hand, "I was just curious about the terminology. We're not in ay kind of dire straits" He says and I nod. He's lying though.

I remove my hand from Stiles, "We know about the bills, Dad" Stiles says and I stand up. "I know about the collectors from Eichan House. I know about the advance from the department, I know about the credit cards" He adds and I bite my lip.

"Stiles, are you going through my stuff? Are both of you going through my stuff?" My dad asks and I shake my head.

"Yeah, I go through all your stuff and then tell Nicole about it" Stiles says, "Especially when you keep things from me" Stiles add.

I look back at my dad, who is furious. "I keep things from you because you don't need to know everything" My dad says and I look down.

"Yes, I do. I have to know everything. How the hell else are we supposed to take care of you?" Stiles asks.

My sits up a little bit as I look up, "You're not supposed to take care of me!" He yells and I jump a little bit. "I'm the dad. You're the kids. You get it?" He says "Dad" He continues as he points to himself, "Kids" He finishes as he points to us. "I take care of you guys"

"We're supposed to all take care of each other" I say, "Mom would've wanted us to do that" I add and watch as Stiles sits down.

"Hey, we're going to be okay" My dad says.

But Stiles sitting in the seat if very annoyed, "How do you know, dad?" He asks

"But the morphine's kicking in and... I'm not all that worried about anything right now" He says and I smile as he lays his head back. I watch him as he passes out and I turn to Stiles.

I walk over to him and sit on his lap, "You know, I never thought in a billion years I would come back and walk into something like this. Everything was perfectly fine before I knew about the supernatural" I tell him.

"You were going to find out eventually, but I just think you made some choices that made you feel the way you're feeling" Stiles says and I nod.

I get up and I say, "I'll be back later, I need to talk to someone"

"Who?" Stiles asks and I shrug.

I picked up my phone and placed it in my back pocket, "I don't know, but I've got this feeling like I need to talk to someone and it's not you. Strange" I say "Call me if you decide to leave at some point." I tell him and look at his sad face, "Hey" I say and he looks up, "It's going to be fine, I love you." I add.

"Love you too, Nicky" He says with a smile and then I leave. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, but I do know that somehow I'm going to stop in front of someone's house or something supernatural like that. I just don't know why and I have a million and one things going through my head. I'm so confused.

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