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I never thought that I would be coming back to this town, they call Beacon Hills. I was born here and raised here. But I have been gone for a while now and it feels good to be back home with my brother and father... Actually I'm not home just yet, I still have to get on a bus and then walk three blocks with a giant suitcase, a duffle bag on my shoulder and a backpack on my back. I guess this is a good time to say that I have been at boarding school for the last five years, after my mom died I couldn't stay in Beacon Hills because this place reminded me too much of her and it absolutely sucked.

Anyway, my father thought that it was a good idea that I spend the rest of my high school life in Beacon Hills so he can watch both of his children graduate with honours. My twin brother Stiles and I have always been inseparable, we would do everything together, alongside I troublesome child hood friends Scott. Who I have heard over Skype has a girlfriend and is actually popular while my brother on the other hand is going around unnoticed, poor kid but never fear Nicole is here, yeah that's my name.

I'm sure once I get home it's going to be really weird because I went to an all girls boarding school and there were a lot of female teachers and guardians, that helped with a lot of things that most men wouldn't understand. What I am actually trying to say is... My father is not fit to raise a teenage girl. I'm sure he can raise me as a person but he is going to be so lost when it comes to things like my first heartbreak, what happens if I miss my period, the first time I ever have sex etc. But I am sure as the Sheriff of the Beacon Hills police department, he will have no trouble hunting down the boy who got me pregnant and taking him into to custody for the rest of his life.

Being at an all girls boarding school didn't really give me a chance to have a boyfriend at all but the all boys boarding school across the road did. Well it wasn't really a boarding school more like a school that could have people sleep there if their houses were far away. It was a fancy prep school, that wore uniforms and stuff like that but as soon as the weekend started most of the girls would mainly meet up with their boyfriends in the city.

I on the other hand would go to the city to find some new music to listen to or a wonderful book to read, but if we are talking about great music then One Direction and Justin Bieber are not in the category, more like Chet Faker and Lana Del Rey or even The Arctic Monkeys.

But on one particular day I was literally minding my own business at this coffee shop, waiting for my drink and no it wasn't a Starbucks. Anyway, I stood there for about ten minutes until I felt someone bump into me. And after that bump I knew this guy was special, after apologising to me about the bumping we exchanged names, his being Brett and he gave me his phone number, later I found out that he goes to the school across the road which I thought was pretty neat. We don't talk to each other anymore becuase after our fight about me leaving the city, it was just too much. I mean he wasn't really my boyfriend but we did a lot od boyfriend/girlfriend things with each other. We actually shared a kiss or two. Anyway I feel like I'm rambling and I have come to my stop. I push the little red button on the bus letting the bus driver know this is my stop.

"Thank you" I tell the bus driver as I grab my suitcase handle and roll it out the bus. I feel the doors close behind me as I stand on the sidewalk, preparing for my long journey. Come on Nicole it's just three blocks. I have to keep reminding myself. Honestly if my dad wasn't at work then I would make him pick me up, wait I could call Stiles but he doesn't know I'm coming home and I promised my dad I would keep it a secret from him

As I walk, I can see the house and it's getting closer and closer by the second. Before I know it I'm already at the front door, unlocking it and going inside. I breathe in the scent of the house and it is unpleasent, I mean I know they're men and all but would it kill them to spray a little air freshner once in a while, lord have mercy.

"Hello? Stiles?" I call out but I don't hear the sound of anyone. I drop my bag in front of the door and close it, I lock it and toss the keys on my duffle bag. I have truly missed this place but everything reminds me of her, especially the walls. I remember how she would make me and Stiles stand infront of them so she could take pictures of us on her polaroid camera. She would stick her favourite one out of the ten that she took that day, on her mirror in her bedroom which she obviously shared with my dad

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the top cabinet because after that walk I'll never be the same again. I lean over the counter and I find a folded note on the table. It has my name on the front and I know this is my dad's hand writting

If you're reading this then I am sorry I couldn't be home and give you the biggest hug but I'll be home to give you one.. that's if you're not asleep. Your brother is out with Scott and won't be home until later

Love, Dad

P.s. Remember you have school in the morning

"It's getting late so I might as well hit the sack" I mumble to myself slipping the not back into my pocket. i walk back to the front door and pick up my things, heading towards my room. I get to my door and I open it to reveal a new bed, new tv, a new coputer, a new desk, a lamp and some other personal items from when I was younger. My dad really went all out, I wonder how he got this past Stiles? I just leave my things on the floor and jump onto the bed, kicking off my sneakers and placing my head on the soft pillow. I slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep.

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