Chapter 2 In the Blink of an Eye

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(Automated Voice) You have one new message. To hear new message, say yes. Yes. Hello June this is doctor Kim. I was reminding you of your appointment set up with specialist Mrs. Joy; to see about a sperm donor. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call this number. We will be glad to reschedule you at a later date. If you are proceeding with this appointment, please ignore this message. Have a nice day and we will see you soon.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. If mom was alive she'll definitely put me six feet under. It's not that I'm nervous, just anxious. I guess. To make this day even more crazy. It's my birthday. So yeah. I'll be remembering this day for the rest of my life. Monday, June 8 2020 the day I would make one of the biggest decisions of my life. Okay here goes nothing.

  Oh no. Im late! It seems the rain is pouring down more harshly today. The weatherman reported of a huge storm coming. My mind wonders off as I look out my car door window at the traffic lights reflecting along the streets. The scenery seems to give me a glimpse of hope. Hope that things will go right for once. Okay. I'm here.

Front desk Employee: "Hello. Do you have an appointment with us."

June: "Yes mam. I do. It's the 8:45 slot."

Front desk Employee: "Oh I see your name. Mrs. Joy is expecting you. Ok. Go down this hallway till the very end. Make a right. Her office will be the first door too your left."

June: "Thank you."

Mrs. Joy: (knock knock) "You must be June. I'm glad to see you. Please have a seat. My assistant has viewed all your documents and everything seems to have checked out okay. We just need you to sign a few more documents. A room is already prepared for you.   When your're finish, we can began the procedure. Don't be nervous sweetheart."

June: "K."

Mrs. Joy: "Out of curiosity. Is there a specific gender you would like."

June: "No. Not really."

Mrs. Joy: "Well see you in a bit."

                            Jae Pov

   (Alarm goes off) Ugh. Its to early. Why did I agree to this. And it's still raining. What the freak. Oh nice. It's thundering. Even mother nature thinks this is a bad idea. I don't really hate the rain. To me when it's raining, it feels as if everything is being made new. In the rain you can hide your tears. When the loud thunder is at it's peek, you can scream as loud as you want , releasing all your emotions. Because your voice will be muted to the world. But right now I don't care about that. I just want to sleep.  V consider this a year's worth of favors. (Zzzz) Hello.

V: "Jae get your butt up! We're suppose to be at the clinic at 9:45."

Jae: "Okay. Chill. I'm up. I'll be ready in ten minutes."

V: "I'm so prepared for this."

Jae: "What are you talking about? You just got to insert your......"

V: "Ya Ya Ya I get it. Let's go."

(V and Jae arrives at the clinic.)

Front desk Employee: "Do you two have an appointment?"

V: "Yes, for 9:45."

Front desk Employee: "I see. Well go down this hallway. Once you get to the end, make a left and the forth door to your left  is your room. I'm sure Mrs. Joy has already gone through the process with you. The machine has directions located on the front, if  you've forgotten the process. This must be your friend. Is he here for the same thing?"

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